Why is it that when you mention "Darwiish", people immediately think "Dhulbahante"?

Could someone tell me why do people assume the word Darwiish is synonymous with Dhulbahante?
*The Sayyid had 75% Dhulbahante DNA, 3 of his grandparents were Dhulbahante
*The Sayyids poem The Parching Heat of the Wind affirms Dhulbahante as the backbone of Darwiish "Ragga diinta hooyga u noqdiyo, hanad Shirshoore leh" meaning "The men who've become refuge to the faith, dignity belongs to the descendants of the House of Garaad Shirshoore".
* Dhulbahante were the only clan that had its population decimated for being Darwiish, resulting in a permanent diminution of their demographics
* The vast majority of the Qusuusi were Dhulbahante
* The vast majority of the Maaraweyn (Darwiish army) were Dhulbahante, with a smaller faction belnging to subclans such as Dubais/Dubeys, Garabsare, Bahidoor (Warsangeli), Bahgeri, Reer Warfa (MX), Aden Madobe (HJ), Reer Khalaf (MJ).
* Its supreme commander that led the elite Shiikhyaale was Ismail Mire, a Dhulbahante
* Its state religion (Salihiya/Urwayniya) preexisted among the Dhulbahante
* Darwiish had 4 capitals; all were located in Dhulbahante lands: Buuhoodle (Qoob Fardood) (1896-1899), Lassader (1900-1904), Halin (1909), Taleh (1910-1920), respectively settled by the Axmed Garaad (Farah Garaad), Barkad/Guleed (Farah Garaad), Xamid Ugaas and Hinjiile (Bah Nugaaleed) and Samakab (Maxamuud Garaad) subclans of Dhulbahante.
* Reer-beede, i.e. the largely unarmed Darwiish civilians who were subjected collective punishment via confiscation of private goods were exclusively Dhulbahante.


@niknii dheera I'm not a qabilist as I think all somali qabils are magnificent and are capable of developing prominent people,

however I personally feel that dhulbahante peoples greatness is in a league of its own and speaks for itself they truly are a noble people in every sense of the word they're nobility and grace as well as fortitude is unparrelled wallahi,

they truly are an exemplary people as this glorious people are the mujahids and martyrs who fought and were victorious by the grace of Allah subhana wa tala in ensuring and subsequently establishing a modern unified somali nation may Allah forgive their sins and grant these people paradise insh'Allah tala amin.

I've always thought of dhulbahante people of having the perfect combination of pious (mumin and muminin) Islamic belief and principles with ultra pan qabil nationalism, including the political/social acumen of isaaqs/majerteens along with the courage/valour of habir gidiir hawiye's particularly the fighting skill of the saad habir gidiir and ogadenians, marexaan, etc

May Allah preserve these distinguished and glorious peoples legacy insh'Allah tala amin