Why is it always the most average looking people that always talk about their good looks?

I keep seeing this “pretty privilege” topic come up on tiktok and twitter but it’s usually very average looking women that wouldn’t even get a second glance without their makeup and fake lashes that keep talking about “pretty privilege”.
The quotes are filled with average looking women agreeing lol.
Getting special treatment bc of your looks is a thing, ofc. But in my experience, the most attractive people don’t even know how beautiful they are.


I keep seeing this “pretty privilege” topic come up on tiktok and twitter but it’s usually very average looking women that wouldn’t even get a second glance without their makeup and fake lashes that keep talking about “pretty privilege”.
The quotes are filled with average looking women agreeing lol.
Getting special treatment bc of your looks is a thing, ofc. But in my experience, the most attractive people don’t even know how beautiful they are.
Twitter is a cesspool of terrible takes. This is one of them.
They romanticize it so much. I saw this video called I wish I had pretty privilege, and the girl in the video summed up pp as men asking you out, buying you drinks, flying you out, being invited to parties yada yada... all shallow things. but would you really want to live the life of someone who looks like a supermodel? yes people give you special treatment, but I'm sure it has a lot of downsides. they all run away from average but its great, you can still be attractive it just wont be your distinguishing feature.
They romanticize it so much. I saw this video called I wish I had pretty privilege, and the girl in the video summed up pp as men asking you out, buying you drinks, flying you out, being invited to parties yada yada... all shallow things. but would you really want to live the life of someone who looks like a supermodel? yes people give you special treatment, but I'm sure it has a lot of downsides. they all run away from average but its great, you can still be attractive it just wont be your distinguishing feature.
Yep there’s a lot of downsides to that life as well and a lot of extremely beautiful women are sexually exploited, stalked, harassed etc.

Honestly, being average looking is great. I can live my life in relative peace on a day to day without constant harassment from men and if I wanna look pretty some makeup and a nice outfit will do the trick. Not sure why everyone these days is so scared to admit they look average :ayaanswag: doesn’t mean you’re ugly. Just regular.


I bet they are talking about their bodies, since face isn’t what people look for these days.
All sorts of women can get flown out. Everyday we see a bog standard only fans woman or an average looking half naked woman on instagram with lots of thirsty DMs and men trying to take them out and getting flowers ect. Men will go for anything they deem accessible. It means nothing. It isn’t exactly pretty ‘privilege’ as well, as if you’re willing to strip or wear revealing clothing and a bit of makeup and jump on social media.
Yep there’s a lot of downsides to that life as well and a lot of extremely beautiful women are sexually exploited, stalked, harassed etc.

Honestly, being average looking is great. I can live my life in relative peace on a day to day without constant harassment from men and if I wanna look pretty some makeup and a nice outfit will do the trick. Not sure why everyone these days is so scared to admit they look average :ayaanswag: doesn’t mean you’re ugly. Just regular.
right. It's kind of like how "mid" is such a terrible insult in our narcisstic society. lol, I'm very happy to be "mid". Not everyone needs to look like ANTM. some people treat beautiful women like objects and not people.
I keep seeing this “pretty privilege” topic come up on tiktok and twitter but it’s usually very average looking women that wouldn’t even get a second glance without their makeup and fake lashes that keep talking about “pretty privilege”.
The quotes are filled with average looking women agreeing lol.
Getting special treatment bc of your looks is a thing, ofc. But in my experience, the most attractive people don’t even know how beautiful they are.

Spider Man Lol GIF


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Have a pulse, and your DMs will explode from the mere speculation that you are a lady. Even in the case of Sisters originally born as Misters.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I keep seeing this “pretty privilege” topic come up on tiktok and twitter but it’s usually very average looking women that wouldn’t even get a second glance without their makeup and fake lashes that keep talking about “pretty privilege”.
The quotes are filled with average looking women agreeing lol.
Getting special treatment bc of your looks is a thing, ofc. But in my experience, the most attractive people don’t even know how beautiful they are.
I agreed with you till the last part. They do know.
I'm convinced 90% of female make-up users suffer from a dissociative mental disorder. They think their attractiveness level after caking on 47layers of make-up is their "real" baseline attractiveness. Imagine if men took a pill that packed on 10kg of muscle, shot them up to 6'5" and added an extra 6inches to their cock, but were convinced the pill them was the "real" them:mjlol:

The girl in the tweet would probably look like a frumpy, fast-food worker without that Arts & Crafts project on her face lol
I'm convinced 90% of female make-up users suffer from a dissociative mental disorder. They think their attractiveness level after caking on 47layers of make-up is their "real" baseline attractiveness. Imagine if men took a pill that packed on 10kg of muscle, shot them up to 6'5" and added an extra 6inches to their cock, but were convinced the pill them was the "real" them:mjlol:

The girl in the tweet would probably look like a frumpy, fast-food worker without that Arts & Crafts project on her face lol
I see where you’re coming from, but in reality it’s very easy to see who is naturally attractive and who isn’t, even with makeup.

Most women wear makeup all the time, yet you’re still able to see that they probably don’t still fit into societies ideal with regards to beauty. I could show you examples but I’d feel like a qumayo

