Why is Farmajo & Kheyre still saying elections will happen?

Prime Minister

Somali Promotion Agent
What is the logical explanation to this madness? Do they want to keep the status quo going for stability and then at the very end tell us what we already know which is no elections will happen? 1 man 1 vote in 6 months they are so delusional man.


an announcement will happen soon, I don't know why people are bugging out, as if there is any credible opposition, government will be reelected, democracy will continue walaaleyaal


It won't happen Al shabaab control too much land and coronavirus
Al shabaab won't last long since the US and turkey plan to get serious and compete to see who can provide air support in the coming months.

Corona virus hasn't stopped the extremists from dying at the hands of SNA so far and the jubbaland mission continues. Amisom will have to leave so we will have to take charge from them either way, hence why the US is so adamant to restore order and gain minerals rights (nothing is for free) before the chinese or russians or turks get there.

Lets not speculate to soon and just wait for the next few months to see how the jubaland situation develops. If jubaland falls into the hands of the fgs then it's checkmate and shabaab will be dealt a deadly blow. It all depends on the fgs convincing their allies to provide better air support.

