Why I am Interested In Somalia


Besides the fact of ethical reasons and to give back to my ancestors(this is pretty real) land, livestock, wars they must of fought, investments into us, u know the whole 100 yada yada principles but it is 'real' it's not 'made' up like Pan Nationalism-Racialism-Religious unity. This is something I can look back and say 'thanks' and I will do my best to honor your legacy, that's all it is morally/ethically for me.

It cant be bought, sold, tricked, etc. 'Dhab' bay iga tahay, it's real. It's not taught like the other philosophies in order to 'create' useful alliances but it can break up anytime also as it's 'idealogy' it's not pure 'nature' and we know 'nature' wins in the end the world clicks forward, everyone remains buried hence being in-line with it is critical for success and not against it or brushing it away which is one of 'idealogy' principles is to remove away what is 'real' in you and install whaht is essentially 'made' up. Your not conquerable to anything be it ideas, media, history, politics, wars, etc. Your basically someone who followed someone else who is apart of 'nature' himself lol.

The other reason is I like 'tough' environments as it seems more 'genuine' and 'real' and what human are capable of. Like Haiti 'mud biscuits' some lady makes money of that and then 'eats' proper food, while the rest get their 'energy' as she thought, innovated, survived. I love those people sxb, it's like learning a real life lesson that is not 'text'.

I am also interested in South Sudan and potentiality of how 'vicious' it will become as their similar society to us when compared to the rest of africans. Tribal, pastoral, poker face culture but always planning for u, not surrendering even the vaccum goes another 100 years, people who united on north sudan colonialism as it was share enemy but disunited immediately among themselves like Somalis unity on colonial and disunity immediate after as 'tribe' is real, it overshadows pan-nationalism, pan-racialism, pan-communism, pan-capitalism, pan royalty even.

A society needs to be based on what is the real 'will' behind that people existence or else your going to be stuck on 'identity' alliances that keeps crumbling eventually as seen thru out history.

I like the prospect of Somalia as it has history from ancient egypt in 'language' and who-ever created the language god knows but it has been passed on to a-lot of 'tribes' among us who chose that this 'language' is 'special to us' while we used the 'global languages' of our time to ensure we evolved with the times.

We haven't adjusted as well with the 'new world' as there is no shared-histry between us, we were apart of Arab-Turk-Ancient Egypt-Ethiopia Even once a upon a Time Axis and notice our immediate 'love'. That's legacy nigga when u see them feel closer to arab-turk, u can't make it up and maybe ancient Egypt if it existed who knows. Why? they were aiming for 'kingdoms' that part of the world not 'empires' and felt threatened if to many kingdoms exist, there is no 'edge' nothing else, religious, tribal, language, wars, idealogical poker face all that was exercised for 500 years and it's stalemate and it doesn't seem to come to an end. It's similar to Queen of England Story with Ireland just not as long as their story 1000 years niyahow that shit ran. With arab-jew contention over the region and outer continent in the future as another 'axis' reportee. We just wanna play our role it seemed, we had no ambitions of an empire it's not evident in our values, culture, history, nor ambitions.


The other reason I like Somalia is when u see the world turn away from a 'region' that total 'fear' shit and that interests me more as im more intrigued then what cud possibly be so difficult about this region. South Sudan intrigues me also as it has the same recipe. Iraq-Syria there is no real 'connection' at the soul as those are empires and have different aspirations even tho we share religious identity, that gut to gut situation ma taalo and never will be.

Somalis are no different all humans are haven't u see them turn away from Islam criticism(scary topics), Somalia is like to the global world(lol) and it makes my interest soar that is just personally me. I like ancient empire areas to learn as that's the point of them sxb and their strength, how u use it to drive value for centuries(indirectly) not directly(just on you and your ppl) but how many indirectly benefit and power on to next height is why I read them


How we turn the cards Somalia has been given and drive value is what great leaders about. Not joining picket fence movement, black lives matteer, these are people who are making a 'name' for themselves on your 'pity card' and appealing to the masses using religious-love-reggae like haile sellasie, nothing actually changes for the subject being used 'your jambal' waryaa there is no racism they made it up as an industry for more whites to succeeed on top of and u don't know as you don't know your real values, inherited anymore, well most Somalis as they actually 'entertain' their jambal lol. Not only that but religious one is the worst as this has some 'holy god' attached to it and why I am more vicious with them the 'racialist' or 'pan nationalists' as their purely man made for alliance purposes.

We did some great tactics considering out situation showing great value.

1. Warlord 91 day bunch of rag-tag thugs took out the marines their best fighting force, not even our 'real army' that's one reason they don't like us, we will eat them alive if the 'edge' is evened

2. Not as easily mind controlled except the 'south' and areas where the sultanates fell like adal who went into dark age like oromo wanted

3. We did piracy and few boats and made multi millionaires, they came out and expended the world navy. Nigga this shit embarassing according to SUN TSU theory LEAST RESOURCE POSSIBLE is the key to who won, it shows more brain power matching wat u have for big hit returns

4. I say up the shit with Iran cut deals for long range missiles and have it as a 'card' on red sea

5. Join Black lives movements and sell drugs in 'troop' territory zones of america, make money, deplete the nigga, assess shabab as an alliance and how well his strategy is to bring these punks down. Good n Evil are concept not 'reality' it's defined, surviving can happen on any context of the side.

6. We been thru kingdoms(so we know the game of this and structure), pan nationalism, communism, we know how to apply idealogies but we do for 'tribal' reasons not for wat the idealogy is actually indicating it's about hence it's not idea that is wrong the 'govt' itself. We shud ask our elders how did old markets work with 'gold' and goods, it will still be around today, then measure wat else was added in modern market(banking only). It's all basic shit niyahow when u have history. There isn't enuff of gold to insure the market, it's only used as reserve to re-start it like old ppl in kingdom days had 'persnal reserves' they do at global level nothing else.

The currency itself is 'pure' paper kkkkk but it's accepted depending on your economy of course and how strong your 'trade' and internal markets are by your policies on locals, resources, trade, knowledge, that is what is the 'real gold' not the money as once u lose that currency is nothing

Notice their are going to be Somalis of this thinking style of we don't win in this world order, we need to realign it back to how it used to be under arab/turk axis. I prefer people iga 'nixiya' as usually that indicates DAMN THAT WAS FINE SHIT even tho he may not have 'resolution' which is 'far' worse and accepting watever order is better then none.
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That's why it's best for America to accept the history that developed in different 'axises' it's not going away, no matter how much media stunts u pull, it's sealed deals, legacies are not over-written thru hollywood or speech writers. Just deal with it, work with it, extract the best long-term value out of it. I would even suggest to them speak to Oman who has huge pull here on legacy. Speak to Real 'arabs' who were the empires not the 'bedouins' and they know who they are.

There is no point speaking to african union and ethiopia, they go backwards due horrendous policy advice on reality on the ground. Maybe due to misguided elements and agendas in their intel sources(not their intel guys but the sources). I don't think Somalia will make a move if Arabs get involved(the respected ones on history) not the Saudis in Najd who we see no different to some tribes in Somalia at the same time period with sheikh rulers kkkkkkk like sheikh shaakir. It will be blood bath between us and no mutual respect, it will be like mugabe sxb being sent to the wolves in the western world and why they LOVE BACKING EM. But has it paid of, let them measure up the costs, risks, and other idealogies forming in the future and their existence

Havent u notice amisom Somalisa re not uprising, they don't fear BANTUS, if they united clan militias what the f*ck is here when navy seal didnt walk out plus bantus are not hardened for wars due to occupation and settlement it's like your trying to teach him their cooks in american armies also, the clans are not at war niyahow anymore but there also not at peace. Ethiopia recieves a rowdy response like pakistan-india, ireland-england, its same story different continents. Somalia never took kenya as serious foes, policeka loo diraya kkkk type of society and arrest them for misbehaving and trying to be something u were not conditioned for

