ANALYSIS Why Farmaajo's term extension is meaningless


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
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The constitution that the International Community wrote for Somalia is pretty clear on how new legislation is supposed to be passed. This is how it should have happened had Farmaajo actually wanted it to be taken seriously:

1-Lower house passes a draft law extending the president's term, sends it to the upper house

2-Upper house rejects the law, sends it back to lower house saying "Farmaajo does not deserve an extension, he has been a bad president"

3-Lower House convenes its members and 2/3 supermajority, 182 or more members, vote to over-rule the the upper house

What demonstrates that they were not serious about any of this is the fact neither the Speaker of the house nor Farmaajo pretended that the upper house would have any say in the passage of the law. Farmaajo knows that:

1- No law extending his term will pass the upper house, it will be rejected out of hand
2- He will never get the requisite 182 member supermajority required to over-rule such a rejection.

This whole thing is basically a kind of grandstanding, and an attempt to shore up Farmaajo's bargaining position vis-a-vis the opposition. He never though that he could actually extend his term, and the proof of that is that he did not even bother to send the law to the speaker of the upper house or try to pressure him to take it up. This will end the same way the 13 seats for Banadir ended up, dead and forgotten before the end of this month. Only retards would think that such a massive violation of the constitution can stand. I actually laughed when I watched the law get passed.
Just wondering how a Parliament whose mandate has ended on 27 December 2020 can extend the mandate for a government whose mandate ended on 8-Feb2021. If that’s the case then what’s the need to hold elections? Why don’t they keep extending each other’s term?


Im more in shock just seeing how his army of clowns actually rationalized this as an effective power play against the world powers :gucciwhat:

These people would have us cut ties with the western world and the aid that saves millions from common drought in hopes of maintaining his illegal extension.

There is not this much fanaticism even in AS.


Engineer of Qandala
The Upper House has been hijacked and refuses to even convene to vote on this.

But we know this isn't about fair play, if it were IC would have pressured the implementation of September 17th agreement, but instead decided to play both sides.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
" Farmaajo inuu damiin yahay anigu waa ogaa... " | CABDILADIIF MUUSE NUUR | Guddoomiyaha gobolka Mudug oo si kulul uga hadlay muddo kordhintii golaha shacabka ee dowlada federaalka Soomaaliya.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The Upper House has been hijacked and refuses to even convene to vote on this.

But we know this isn't about fair play, if it were IC would have pressured the implementation of September 17th agreement, but instead decided to play both sides.

The speaker of the lower house cannot send a law to the president unless it has been put before the upper house. The upper house was not even asked to come into session, so you are lying when you say they have refused to convene. Farmaajo does not want the law put up for a vote in the upper house because he is guaranteed to lose that vote.

This is blatantly illegal and everyone can see it. The IC can accept a drawn out useless debate over process, they will never accept such a huge breach of the constitution.


Veni Vidi Vici
Everyone is coming back to that table in Xamar and have another ice breaking session. Its really a game of circles, come, say it fails, leaves, then returns. Extension, its more or less a card in the deck.
This is Somalia where meaningless toilet paper dastuur made in Garowe has no relevance, the Universal rule that applies to all Individual Country like Somalia is that the rule of gun!

Rag waa gacan, dumar waa sheeko.