Why does the flag of somaliland have the pan Arab colors

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So when I first discovered this I thought it was by accident but apparently it's not the state of somaliland says the colors are based on the pan Arab colors :bell: talk about bootyclapping
Somaliland's flag

Pan Arab flag colors


SL should ditch the arabic Shahada on the flag, it looks much better without it tbh. The script makes the whole flag look like it's some Saudi regional calan. The two arabic scripts on the emblem should be enough ileen carab mahaan dadkaniye.

somali-talks20121 (1).jpeg

Lol I tried :browtf:


Sxb sahda is Islamic however the color scheme is just Arab bootyclapping :gucciwhat:
Pan arab colours =
The black was the color of the banner of Muhammad and the Rashidun Caliphate and was later adopted by the Abbasid Caliphate; white was used by the Umayyad Caliphate; green was used by the Fatimid Caliphate; and red was both the flag held by the Khawarij and also represented the Hashemites, as well as the Ottoman Empire.
SL colours=
A horizontal tricolor of green, whitewhich means the peace achieved after the war, and red Which stands for the blood that had to be spilled for independence, with the Shahada inscribed in the green stripe, and a black 5-pointed star charged on the white stripe
The only reason it's considered part of the pan arab flags is because of the Shahada. That's it.
That colour scheme isn't only exclusive to arabs. Look at the flags of Kenya and South Sudan, Haye kuwas ma carab baa?:ivers:
People can say the red is blood and green is grass or whatever bullshit. The fact that it's similar colours to the arab flags AND the shahada is on it tells me that it's BOOTYCLAPPING.

Plain and simple!

It's not a big deal though. They can change it anytime. They already use the flag without the shahada when they go to countries like the U.K, so they don't seem terrorist or w/e. Silanyo knows about the political climate really well.

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