Why do you believe the American dream is dead ?

As a young Somali American I've started to notice the American dream is dying rather fast. My parents came to America in the 90s and they had it all 5 bedrooms house dad basically worked hooyo stayed home and 6 children. Im gone be 20 soon im in college but what I've been noticing and afraid of is not having the chance and financial stability as my parents had. These Americans don't know it yet but the American dream will be there Somalia Wayan dream. Who else noticed this?


Staff Member
Your generation has been robbed in every conceivable way, not only when it comes to the economy/finances. It's so massive you will never fully comprehend it. Here's to better times.
Inflation from 2018 to 2024 provides a better grasp of how the American Dream is dying. 100$ in 2025 is now worth 125$. Now consider the last 20 years.


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
The 1990's were probably the best decade in America since the 1950's. Everyone was working; budgets were balanced, jobs were plentiful, college was affordable, as was housing, and there were no major wars.

Everything got worse and worse after 9/11.
American Dream's been dead for a while now. It's just becoming painfully obvious to everyone who could previously cope about it or imagine it was 'other people's problems'

Back in like the 60s and 70s, you could buy a house with max 1-2 year's worth of salaries. Inflation was low. Job security was high and wages outpaced rate of inflation. The economy was growing and people were optimistic. Hell even to the 90s and very early 2000s it wasn't bad.
American Dream's been dead for a while now. It's just becoming painfully obvious to everyone who could previously cope about it or imagine it was 'other people's problems'

Back in like the 60s and 70s, you could buy a house with max 1-2 year's worth of salaries. Inflation was low. Job security was high and wages outpaced rate of inflation. The economy was growing and people were optimistic. Hell even to the 90s and very early 2000s it wasn't bad.
How much is a house in Somalia in general?
How much is a house in Somalia in general?
In Somalia, the locals have the same problem Westerners have. The wage/price ratio is simply too high so home ownership is out of reach for most people.

If you mean to build a house, building a standard ish house usually costs around $20-$35k but you also have to consider the price of land and this can vary depending on the location from a few thousand dollars to astonishing sums of money.


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