Why do Somali guys mock guys who cook and clean ?

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I normally don’t care about this issue

But Somalis have no chill there was this Facebook video of a guy cooking and cleaning for his Mom cause she’s old and sick and he’s her only child

And there where people mocking him and making jokes



It’s a sign of insecurity

Our men are the most feminine in the world

The wide hips, the love for gossip, their obsession with telling the world how jilec their hair is as if they want a big man to come and stroke it

As @Reiko stated they also sit in a shisha club for 9 hours sucking a pipe and mixing each other’s salvia

Hence why they are so insecure about their masculinity. They also have no father figures so they assume a real man abuses women and takes advantage of them.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
It’s a sign of insecurity

Our men are the most feminine in the world

The wide hips, the love for gossip, their obsession with telling the world how jilec their hair is as if they want a big man to come and stroke it

As @Reiko stated they also sit in a shisha club for 9 hours sucking a pipe and mixing each other’s salvia

Hence why they are so insecure about their masculinity. They also have no father figures so they assume a real man abuses women and takes advantage of them.
These things don’t make you less of a man

People are delusional if they think it’s manly to be helpless and wait for others to feed and clean for you like a small child

Samaalic Era

Cooking for your parents and grandparents is an honour. I do it so that Allah swt will bless me with good pious children In'sha'Allah.

However, I would never cook as a husband
giphy (77).gif
I normally don’t care about this issue

But Somalis have no chill there was this Facebook video of a guy cooking and cleaning for his Mom cause she’s old and sick and he’s her only child

And there where people mocking him and making jokes

"Why do (some) Somali guys mock guys who cook and clean ?"

"there was this Facebook video of a guy cooking and cleaning for his Mom cause she’s old and sick and he’s her only child

And there where people mocking him and making jokes"

If he is helping his hooyo than asiga ajir iyo xasanaad shaqeysanooyo and those who are insulting him are sinning and it is something they will have to account for on the day of judgement.

One cannot live they entire life thinking about or worrying about what other people say about oneself cuz you're existence on the face of this planet is quiet limited and you shouldn't give even a second of your time to such individuals. aduunyadaada iyo aakhiradada u shaqeyso!
I normally don’t care about this issue

But Somalis have no chill there was this Facebook video of a guy cooking and cleaning for his Mom cause she’s old and sick and he’s her only child

And there where people mocking him and making jokes


I don't know which Somalis are commenting this video, but i think every of us would cook for our sick mothers and the people who are disrespecting this are trolls. No one would say such things in real life
Cooking for your parents and grandparents is an honour. I do it so that Allah swt will bless me with good pious children In'sha'Allah.

However, I would never cook as a husband
Sxb I agree with you :dzmxmmb: on the first part lkn the last part "However, I would never cook as a husband" xaaskaga malaa'ig ma aha wee xanuunsan karta, she could be heavily pregnant or it could just be her time of the month, are you saying you expect her to do everything regardless of her state?

Watch from 42:00 till 43:00

Masha'Allah great sheekh Alle ha unaxariisto Sheekh Maxamed Ahmed Rooble Boqolsoon

Samaalic Era

Sxb I agree with you :dzmxmmb: on the first part lkn the last part "However, I would never cook as a husband" xaaskaga malaa'ig ma aha wee xanuunsan karta, she could be heavily pregnant or it could just be her time of the month, are you saying you expect her to do everything regardless of her state?

Watch from 42:00 till 43:00

Masha'Allah great sheekh Alle ha unaxariisto Sheekh Maxamed Ahmed Rooble Boqolsoon
If she is genuinely ill or heavily pregnant, that is excusable but a having a period is not an excuse
I have rethought the whole thread of our brother Mecury. First of all he claims that there is random video in Facebook, where people slander a guy, who cooks and cleans for his sick mother. Let's be honest guys, every society regardless of their nationality, religion or political views would be impressed with that guy. It is impossible for me to believe that Somalis, who generally speaking are religious to a certain degree and love their mothers, would mock a guy for such an honorable act.

I came to the conclusion that mercury invented this whole story to continue his crusade against Somali men.

@Mercury car hadaad rag tahay, videogan aad sheegeysid umadda la wadaag, bal aan kula aragno waalidan cas aad no tilmaameysid. Hadi kale ragga somaaliyed amaan sii oo dagaalka culus inaga jooji.
If she is genuinely ill or heavily pregnant, that is excusable but a having a period is not an excuse
Sxb it's sunnah to help your wife with the house chores just like the prophet did with his wife

Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was asked, “What did the Prophet (ﷺ) use to do in his house?” She replied, “He used to keep himself busy serving his family (كَانَ يَكُونُ فِي مِهْنَةِ أَهْلِهِ) and when it was the time for prayer he would go for it.” (Bukhari)

Watch from 12:07 the sheekh quotes the Hadith

"Alla taas wee sixirtay ninka"
Masha'Allah I've benefited a lot from listening to his muxaadaroyin


living off borrowed time
I normally don’t care about this issue

But Somalis have no chill there was this Facebook video of a guy cooking and cleaning for his Mom cause she’s old and sick and he’s her only child

And there where people mocking him and making jokes

Bullshit, you have some weird agenda where you constantly about Somali men despite allegedly being one yourself, I've seen at least 10-15 threads of a similar nature. Either you're a frustrated housewife whose come to rant about their husband, or you're a cuck.


Mercury, why do you make the same repetitive boring threads?

If Somali guys want traditional relationships then it is not your business. As for this thread about Somali men not assiting their parents is fake news. We know you made it up.

I mean right now you sound like some angry housewife who is fed up with her husband because he doesn't help out with the chores. It's looking quite obvious.
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Like @Abdurahman_somali said, show us the video. I find it incomprehensible that people would insult a guy for cooking and helping his mother. Nothing surprises me anymore but this I find extraordinarily hard to believe.

Send the link.

Samaalic Era

Sxb it's sunnah to help your wife with the house chores just like the prophet did with his wife

Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was asked, “What did the Prophet (ﷺ) use to do in his house?” She replied, “He used to keep himself busy serving his family (كَانَ يَكُونُ فِي مِهْنَةِ أَهْلِهِ) and when it was the time for prayer he would go for it.” (Bukhari)

Watch from 12:07 the sheekh quotes the Hadith

"Alla taas wee sixirtay ninka"
Masha'Allah I've benefited a lot from listening to his muxaadaroyin
If each party does there part, then things will workout. Any traditionally thing a husband is supposed to do, I would do my upmost to do. Same for her.

I will only ever cook for my parents


Cooking for parents is an amazing thing and should never be frowned upon.

However, a man that cooks as a husband 24/7 for his wife should require serious help from the doctor. What is the wife doing when a man cooks? We have roles and we should stick to those roles.

Mercury must work as a head chef in Gordon Ramsey’s restaurant.
If each party does there part, then things will workout. Any traditionally thing a husband is supposed to do, I would do my upmost to do. Same for her.

I will only ever cook for my parents

Sxb what's your plan I recall you saying you got married to your ina adeerta in somalia, dibada miyaa keene mise you plan on going back to Somalia permanently in the future InshaAllah

Question: let's say one day she asks you to cook her wee caafimaad qabta lkn she wants to eat cunto aad gacamahada ku sameysay would you cook for her?
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