Why do men like younger girls/ women i mean 16 to 19 year olds


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
No, I answered like a normal thinking, moral bound person.

You give any sort of logical, common sense, educated answer here regarding feminism or race and you will get called a "female" or "booty-clapper".

That's the way it is down in 4.5Chan.

Internet Somalis and throwing random insults.



بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I think it has to do with modern men and their power and dominance fetishes that are ingrained in them from a young age subtly. Even the modern female phenotype and phenotypic ideal has gradually skewed more toward being gracile, narrow and essentially child-like. I remember an anthropologist talking about and documenting this. Strong-jawed, strong profiled, very robust women are maligned as being "manly" even though, in reality, a healthily developed human female is supposed to look like that. A woman who when growing up got enough good nutrition, ate chewy food, didn't develop nasal allergies and therefore didn't mouth breath and such is supposed to have the following traits:

  • Strong jawline
  • High cheekbones
  • Hollow cheeks
  • Prominent chin
  • Straight and relatively small nose

That model look, basically. The same is true for men but women look like less and less like this nowadays. Look at Kim Kardashian:


Aside from all the work she's had done, this is pretty poor post-Neolithic facial development. The face is narrow and grows downward rather than forward and somewhat upwards. She's filled her cheeks and accentuates them with makeup but you can tell she doesn't have genuinely prominent cheekbones. No hollow cheeks, no prominent jawline and somewhat weak chin. But it all together makes her look more delicate and gracile compared to most men who still more often maintain some of the ideal human robusticity. This also plays into the fixation with young women and lighter features. Children tend to produce less melanin = light-skinned and if they have the genetics for it more blonde and light-eyed.

I can't find the sources right now but it's a general theory that female gracilization and obsessing over young mates has been pushed more and more by men since the Neolithic when the old egalitarianism of the Paleolithic between the sexes broke down and a more delicate and submissive woman began to be more and more idealized.
Physically I find women most attractive in their early 20s like around 22(my age).

However I would like to marry a virgin girl who is innocent, sweet and feminine and you won’t find that in a girl above 20 who is unmarried.
Lol. Cunug ayaa tahay. Let's see if you'll have that same opinion in 5 years.
Not saying 22 yr olds aint desirable by men.
You give any sort of logical, common sense, educated answer here regarding feminism or race and you will get called a "female" or "booty-clapper".

That's the way it is down in 4.5Chan.

Internet Somalis and throwing random insults.

Why dnt u give us your opinion sxb? Im waiting.
I think it has to do with modern men and their power and dominance fetishes that are ingrained in them from a young age subtly. Even the modern female phenotype and phenotypic ideal has gradually skewed more toward being gracile, narrow and essentially child-like. I remember an anthropologist talking about and documenting this. Strong-jawed, strong profiled, very robust women are maligned as being "manly" even though, in reality, a healthily developed human female is supposed to look like that. A woman who when growing up got enough good nutrition, ate chewy food, didn't develop nasal allergies and therefore didn't mouth breath and such is supposed to have the following traits:

  • Strong jawline
  • High cheekbones
  • Hollow cheeks
  • Prominent chin
  • Straight and relatively small nose

That model look, basically. The same is true for men but women look like less and less like this nowadays. Look at Kim Kardashian:


Aside from all the work she's had done, this is pretty poor post-Neolithic facial development. The face is narrow and grows downward rather than forward and somewhat upwards. She's filled her cheeks and accentuates them with makeup but you can tell she doesn't have genuinely prominent cheekbones. No hollow cheeks, no prominent jawline and somewhat weak chin. But it all together makes her look more delicate and gracile compared to most men who still more often maintain some of the ideal human robusticity. This also plays into the fixation with young women and lighter features. Children tend to produce less melanin = light-skinned and if they have the genetics for it more blonde and light-eyed.

I can't find the sources right now but it's a general theory that female gracilization and obsessing over young mates has been pushed more and more by men since the Neolithic when the old egalitarianism of the Paleolithic between the sexes broke down and a more delicate and submissive woman began to be more and more idealized.
U just spewed hella nonsense.


Shaah Enthusiast
Both sexes are attracted to youth tbh (and by that I mean people in their 20's, not teens bc that's weird af) It's just that women are shamed for finding younger men attractive.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Ok. You got two girls same quality, deen leh, virgin eh. both of them are what u wanted in a girl but one is 40 and the other is 23.
Which one u marrying?

23 cos that's closer to my age.

Bro, the question was about 16 to 19 year olds....


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
U just spewed hella nonsense.

It's well documented that women and men have become more gracile since the Paleolithic. There is zero debate about that in the archaeology. It's a fact. But it obviously largely happened due to nutritional factors and the stuff surrounding cultural selection for more of such traits is mostly just a hypothesis, admittedly. But it makes some sense for sure.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
Only men answers needed.take your time. Thanks
They prolly wanna ensure virginity or see her bleed on bedsheet the first night or some other fetish of theirs lol. Iranians do this and Yemeni guys too, They marry 10-13 year olds. My cousin Shamso is only 13 years older than her oldest son and that was an arrangement she had from Somalia in the 80s.
It's less about control and more about influence.
A teen girl will literally hang onto every word you say whereas an older woman wont be as impressed as easily.
It's less about control and more about influence.
A teen girl will literally hang onto every word you say whereas an older woman wont be as impressed as easily.
Agree. Thats why they say any man that goes for someone significantly younger than him knows that any women his age would see through his manipulative and predatory ways. I can understand the attraction but to date someone significantly younger than you just sounds like buuq and a headache.