Why do Africans hate being called African?

I've seen plenty of online forms where west African would be debating about when Horn African called them African and they felt insulted. Is being called African insulting to African?


Coping through the 1st world
The only groups I’ve heard that don’t want to be called Africans are the FBA’s (Foundational Black Americans). They don’t want to associate with Africans due to the beefs of how Africans perceive them.

But to answer your question: this drama is only diasporas drama. Africans in Africa don’t really have beefs with them. Because West and East are far apart. And Africans have biggest fish to fry to just care about this.

Bullshit drama
Arguing with them with just cause headaches, they always regurgitate about Africa being so diverse yet can't fathom there are different looking groups to them and they must be 'mixed' and how the continent 'belongs' to them

Another thing I think we should all collectively use the term 'African'. I don't think ppl in this forum as well as the rest of world takes into account how massive Africa really is; Nigeria is closer to Spain then it is to Somalia. But back to the point their opinions are worthless in the grand scheme of things


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Its like how the british say “the europeans” to distinguish them as being foreign to them. Its not offensive at all


Somali supremacist
I hate being called African like we are all similar and have the same culture. I be so quick to tell them to call me Somali.
The word itself has a very bad reputation, and is also monopolized among West African countries. What comes to your mind when you hear the word "African"? Bantu poor or slavery