Why Did You Stop Refuting Others? Dr Yasir Qadhi

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur wont like this, he is jealous of the sheikh's vast knowledge and etiquette.

Yasir Qadhi is no one to be jealous of. The man is not this person of vast knowledge, he is a person of ignorance.

He couldn't even condemn homo "marriage" when liberals pressed him on it. If they would have asked Sheikh Fawzan- a real scholar- Sheikh Fawzan wouldn't have budged an inch. Sheikh Fawzan- that's a real scholar. Yasir Qadhi is just some guy who appeases the West. If he was really a person of knowledge, he would know to stand up for the haq.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
as for the idea that deviants shouldn't be refuted- here's Sheikh Fawzan's take on the issue


