Why are we not blaming the parents

One thing that i detest about the all Somali communities is when parent dont take any accountability for there children and how they were raised and who they become. In large Somali community theres a unbridle since of WAALID KHASAARAY. what should be done about WAALID KHASAARAY?

One thing that i detest about the all Somali communities is when parent dont take any accountability for there children and how they were raised and who they become. In large Somali community theres a unbridle since of WAALID KHASAARAY. what should be done about WAALID KHASAARAY?

I say, remove children from the clutches of irresponsible parents, and start with parents of the 50% Muslim students at Micheala school.



buuq iyo balaayo ๐Ÿซง
some somalis parents think their only obligations are to feed and clothe their kids when theyโ€™re also supposed to guide them and teach them akhlaq
One thing that i detest about the all Somali communities is when parent dont take any accountability for there children and how they were raised and who they become. In large Somali community theres a unbridle since of WAALID KHASAARAY. what should be done about WAALID KHASAARAY?

Thats an old video from like 2020-2021 itโ€™s not even recent. I donโ€™t know why that mosthatedsomali dude is trying to stir up the pot & act like it was recent, heโ€™s just ruffling up some feathers for attention.
i hope they get caught
They prolly got they heads blown off already :mjdontkno:
Police need to provide a permanent solution, i'd shoot these dogs on the spot. No rehabilitation needed, they obviously don't fear nothing in this weak system, filth needs to be cleansed before it propagates
One thing that i detest about the all Somali communities is when parent dont take any accountability for there children and how they were raised and who they become. In large Somali community theres a unbridle since of WAALID KHASAARAY. what should be done about WAALID KHASAARAY?

its actually so sad our people are being replaced back home, we are losing our phenotype, our dhaqan & culture.

In the west our people are becoming degenerates & adopting Jar33rified values. We are so finished man
What do you think about the parent of these people did they fail them?
Well, they clearly did fail them if their offsprings are out on the streets robbing old adeers for $40 in his pocket. They need to be more interactive with their children on a daily basis rather then have that hands off approach like back home & let them wander in the streets.
Police need to provide a permanent solution, i'd shoot these dogs on the spot. No rehabilitation needed, they obviously don't fear nothing in this weak system, filth needs to be cleansed before it propagates
We are actually gonna make Jar33r people look good & we will be singled out watch when Trump comes if this doesnโ€™t change
Yes agree with you on that standpoint but why do some parent dont give two craps about how there children turnout?
Lazy parenting, they don't spend time with their children. Parenting is not just about sending the children to dugsi and tuition like most Somali parents think.

Parenting is spending time getting to know your kids, teaching them skills. For example I taught my Kids all how to pray Salah, most of the Quran they know I taught them. I also taught them all how to read and write, chess and now I am getting them into my hobbies like martial arts.

Bedtime stories, walks in the park, questions about their day at school and so on. You do not need a lot of money for these things, as I do not have that much, but I stretch the little wealth Allah has given me and most importantly am thankful for it.


Plotting world domination
One thing that i detest about the all Somali communities is when parent dont take any accountability for there children and how they were raised and who they become. In large Somali community theres a unbridle since of WAALID KHASAARAY. what should be done about WAALID KHASAARAY?

I don't think most people are fit to be parents tbh.

Especially somalis since we barely evolved as a society over the past 40-50 years.

Gen Z and millennial somali men in the west will probably be the best Somali fathers ever. The ones back home I think are lost cause though.

Only reason why I think we will do fine in the west is because young Somali men learned about the importance of being an active father figure from the western cultures they were raised around.


Plotting world domination
Tbh I don't think your avg somali nationalist gives AF about parenting.

They just want Somalis to continue having high birth rates. They don't care how the kids turn out. They just want more somalis

As long as we have a dumb population our birthrate will be high
Lazy parenting, they don't spend time with their children. Parenting is not just about sending the children to dugsi and tuition like most Somali parents think.

Parenting is spending time getting to know your kids, teaching them skills. For example I taught my Kids all how to pray Salah, most of the Quran they know I taught them. I also taught them all how to read and write, chess and now I am getting them into my hobbies like martial arts.

Bedtime stories, walks in the park, questions about their day at school and so on. You do not need a lot of money for these things, as I do not have that much, but I stretch the little wealth Allah has given me and most importantly am thankful for it.
This is the type of parent we should all aspire to. As you said, parenting is not just keeping shelter over children and feeding them because that could also be said about any animal. I think parenting should be viewed just like gardening. Make sure you remove all the weeds first. This could be living on the side of town where it has the best schools. Planting your seeds and watering with advice and talking to our children and knowing who their friends are.

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
Show this to every Somali old head thatโ€™s contemplating a second wife back home, while his young sons need his guidance and masculinity right here. I have two younger cousins that were problematic but who have completely transformed into choir boys when their father sacrificed his high paying job in the Gulf to be closer to his family. I have another older cousin that got shot once and jailed another time in Canada when I was a kid, meanwhile his father was still in Somalia while his son was thrown in the middle of gangland.

A father is not a trivial position, neither is an uncle, older brother or elder cousin. Take control of the situation while they still look up to you or your neglect will manifest itself in young men who are dead on the inside. Also, try your best to move to better areas for the sake of your children.


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