Why are the Madhibaan treated the way that they are?


Blacksmith , craftsmen, farmers , fishermen and hunter gatherers were look down upon
a generational marginalisation in our close knit clan based society.
You should ask the elders why this practice is still in continuation , why can't a Madhibaan man/Tumaal woman marry from a large clan in this day and age.
Without considering the union of two Somalis
as blasphemy , tell me why are these people seen beneath the pathetic Somali "caste" system
It is because once upon a time the Nomads outnumbered the inhabitants through wars and conquests
and their population overwhelmed the entire Somali Peninsula the long distance cattle herders and pastrolists grazed their livestocks into people's houses and farms, and plundered from buulo to buulo ,
pillaging whatever remained there , it is there where this silly notion of hierarchy were laid to foundation, the beginning of this nonsensical Nasabnimo.

They would see the other Somalis who's occupation differ as uneven , unequal and ignoble , from there we can understand their beligirent ignorance and it is depressing that it these people who are
subjugated into these categories , the unfortunate reality their crime is that they were born into this backwards narrow minded society.

The irony and double standards of Some Pan Somalists is that they want to acknowledge the history of their ancient ancestors , the ones that were crafty and skilled , a society fishermen , merchants and seafarers and yet it is their descendants that are at the bottom of the barrel.
Do you even know their history was great than some of these mainstream Geeljires.

I don't care how open minded you youngsters are or whatever liberal ideals you have and if you were to find the love of your life who hailed from these particular clans , your parents , your relatives and the closest circles would be the first to pressure you to forsake or force to choose over them or your relationship.
That is the harsh truth sxb.

You may be genuine and want to raise awareness of the plight of our people , I have addressed on many threads about similar subjects akin to this topic , discussed the serious effects of long term discrimination against marginalised groups of people.

And how they are vulnerable.

I guess that if Somalis are racist to their own

should we call it a homogeneous racism and why scream of racism in the Diaspora if you treat your countrymen like a pile of rubbish.

It's the ignorance within the mainstream Geeljires embedded in their heads to this very day , when countries around us are discussing the possibilities of countering and deterring corruption , poverty and counter productive , what are our people doing , well just look at FKD as a perfect example and see how the slur b.uu.n are used to insult one and other. What significance is this , belittling each other with b.uu.n slurs.
Can you really say Somalis are would eradicate the shithole tuulo they boast about , they're not heading anywhere in the following decades let alone eradicate this ignorance if the likes of these people exist. Sadly to say these people are mostly outside mainly residing elsewhere in the world, and if my estimations are correct some have never stepped a foot in their homeland and yet they are full blown fundamental qabiilists, they're supposed to be the pioneers of the future , the ones we Somalis in Africa would look up to.
I guess not. Since Somaalida meelwalba ay dunida dacaladeeda ku sugan yihiin waa isku mid , cid kala duwan ma jirto, waa isku fikir , aad iyo aad ayay isku mid u yihiin waxaad mooda in ay yihiin shinni isku shirtay ama quraanjo.
Nin walba tolkiisa ayaa ka daadiciyay in soomaalida kale ay shisheeye yihiin , marka arintaan ila yaab ma ahan waa wax soo horeen weligeeda soo jirtay ee cid walba ama hooyga qoys walba , ubadka marka ay soo barbaaran ayaga oo weli da'da qaangeerka gaarin ayaa maskaxdooda lagu programiyay in qabiil hebel u ka fiican yahay qabiil hebel, sida cajaladda ayuu press play ku noqda , ileen
cuqdadaan iyo nacaybkaan tirada la eg wuxuu ka daxlay waalidiintooda oo waxaas ka tambadatay , soo suuragal noqon mayso in shaqsigaas kuwaas oo kale ka daba daydo weliba laba jibaar ama saddex jibaar , ayaga yar ayaa dhegahooda wax munasaab ahayn lagu akhriyay , tashkiilinta maanka da'yarta lafdabar buu ka noqda horumarinta mustaqbalka dalka iyo sinaanta rayidka.

Ma filayo in jiilka dambe ay inoo keento midnimo taas waxay u jirta cirka iyo dhulka inta u dhaxayso.
Waa nasiib daro in qarnigaan iyo waqtigaan lagu jiro in wali hayb soocda iyo takoorinta dadka u halkaas weli ka socota.
Waa ayaan daro , mana qiyaasi karo nolosha ay ku jiraan , rafaadka , duruufta ka muuqato iyo dulmigaan baaxsan , bahdilaad loogu gaysanayo Soomaalida waxba galabsan kaliye isirkooda lagu maagayo , gumaad iyo eryo.

Marka isweydi suaashaan muda intee ayaad u melaynaysa in Soomaalida ay is xilqaamayaan, xasilooni raadin karaan, hadii dastuurkeena u ku salaysan yahay magac qabiil iyo 4.5 ,
qarankan mar hore ayuu burburay , waanu wada ognahay in saagaashanayadda tacsi loo dhigay , hada waxa shaki inoogu ah jiritaankeeda , haa waa sax in Soomaaliya in dhusha sida magaca iyo khariirada caalamka laga aqoonsan yahay.
Laakin qarnigaan kow iyo labaatamaad dalka Soomaaliya miyay noqonaysa xasuus qoraal ah oo lagu xusi doona buugaagta taarikhda oo la oran berigi hore waxaa jiray dad isneceb oo nacaybkooda si xad dhaafsan dunida ka tirtirtay.

Ma jecli in aan hadalkayga sii dheerayo , waxaan rajaynaya in aad si fiican u fahantay.

We are so light fucking years behind.

Possible shit it's every one for himself.
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