Why are Somalis not ranching by using irrigation

ACCESS IRRIGATION n.y. Several sprinkler heads are connected to a lateral pipe, which is suppl...png

We all aware how unforeseeable our climate is. I am surpirsed to learn we have only 2 rainseasons. Significant rains occur in July through August. The second rainy season (Deyr) is characterized by a shorter duration and less amounts of precipitation in the months of October to the end of November.
Due to La Niña and El Niño two oceanic and atmospheric phenomenon that impacts the climate by causing extreme storm in some places and extreme drought in other places. This triggered also an suitable weather for locust in the middle east to breed and those locust swarmed East Africa and made the crops fail. So our weather conditions are unpredictable, this is why we must utilize our rivers, we must collect rain water and store water enough to sustain us for minimum 3 years of failed rainy seasons.

Somalis need to move from nomadic herding to ranching.

The reason why clans fight is due to fighting over scarce grazing lands and water wells. We must build more water wells and use irrigation. The livestock should only be confined to where the irrigation takes place. This method is also way better and we will produce more than livestock.
We could also use factory farming as they do in many countries, from the limit of my knowledge its less healthier outdoor grazing


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We all aware how unforeseeable our climate is. I am surpirsed to learn we have only 2 rainseasons. Significant rains occur in July through August. The second rainy season (Deyr) is characterized by a shorter duration and less amounts of precipitation in the months of October to the end of November.
Due to La Niña and El Niño two oceanic and atmospheric phenomenon that impacts the climate by causing extreme storm in some places and extreme drought in other places. This triggered also an suitable weather for locust in the middle east to breed and those locust swarmed East Africa and made the crops fail. So our weather conditions are unpredictable, this is why we must utilize our rivers, we must collect rain water and store water enough to sustain us for minimum 3 years of failed rainy seasons.

Somalis need to move from nomadic herding to ranching.
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The reason why clans fight is due to fighting over scarce grazing lands and water wells. We must build more water wells and use irrigation. The livestock should only be confined to where the irrigation takes place. This method is also way better and we will produce more than livestock.
We could also use factory farming as they do in many countries, from the limit of my knowledge its less healthier outdoor grazing
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Absolutely. This is the thinking we need


Why don’t you do it if it’s so easy
It is actually technically easy. The problem is most of the grazing land is communal land and not owned by individuals. The only place I have seen this happening successfully is in Somaliland where the Iidoor have divided their lands into ranches

