why are Somali men so skinny when Somali diet consists of high carbs like baasto, suugo and bariis?

Frankly, I am not part of the "skinny" Somali male club but I wonder why my Somali brothers are so skinny when our diet consists of predominantly high carb food.


The western diet is not suitable for Somalis which is why you'll mostly find fat Somali women and skinny Somali men. If we can make the right diet for our people then we can grow a healthy and strong population which could help some Somalis to gain desirable heritable characteristics.

During pre-colonial Somalia, the men back then looked much bigger, muscular and well fed.






The women looked slim.



okay, am tell u secret my all brothers are tall and strong except am skinny lad because their diet consisted of a lot of cow milk plus meat.
Well maybe they’re skinny because they don’t eat meat? You gain weight from fat and protein, carbs just go straight to your midsection
The western diet is not suitable for Somalis which is why you'll mostly find fat Somali women and skinny Somali men. If we can make the right diet for our people then we can grow a healthy and strong population which could help some Somalis to gain desirable heritable characteristics.

During pre-colonial Somalia, the men back then looked much bigger, muscular and well fed.






The women looked slim.



So true coupled with their lifestyle they probably walked a lot. And had an active lifestyle.

The Somali guys that go to my gym they have good bodies. So a good diet and playing sports or exercising definitely helps.


i was a pretty chubby child growing up, then i started sprinting, basketball and soccer and lost the weight, ate a wide verity of different vegetables, legumes, meats, nuts etc and gained muscle, my favorite meal is ox stew on wehani bariis with collard greens, sweet potatoes and moos bukeni!


Make Dhulos Great Again
Not enough Hilib and good food in general, the older Somalis in Somali are on a khat diet with no exercise and real nutrition, the ones in the west are on a khat,malawaax, bariis iyo baasto And xashiish for dessert diet. That’s why you see what you see.


Laa ta aamin nin wa law kaana ninkaaga- bom!
Alhamdulillahhh, my crush is tall and well built. Thank you ya Allah, unfortunately he lives across the ocean :jcoleno:
Modern day Somalis eat too much carb and not enough meat and dairy product.

Alot of morons will easily blame "mUh gEneS" but us Somalis looked alot different physically just a century ago. A change in our diet and sedentary lifestyle is what fucked our physique up. its even starting to affect us facially lol
Most are not getting enough nutrition. Lack of protein+Lack of caloric surplus+ majority don't workout. Overall shitty diets. I honestly rarely see a jacked Somali . Instead of always focusing on religion and crime, there needs to be a push towards education+fitness+nutrition.

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Ok time to bring this thread back to life. Too much Somalis are either fat af or skinny af very ugly people nowadays the definition of penis/vagina rejecter.

P.S, it's not genetics. Half Nilo Saharans + Eurasian with sprinkle of Hunter Gather does not equal a fat f*ck, it's the trash you're eating that does.