Why are people more empathetic to dogs than other humans?

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Like I never understood the concept. I actually had a conversation with a girl saying that if she had a choice to save a random dog or a human being that she will choose the former.
It's just cadaans. I don't think there would ever be a situation where I would save an animal before a human, unless that human was evil or something.
I think that its due to the level of purity between the two species. Humans have the more potential to be conniving, cold and calculative. Whereas dogs act more on their instincts. Intelligence provides the means for "evil"....
I think that its due to the level of purity between the two species. Humans have the more potential to be conniving, cold and calculative. Whereas dogs act more on their instincts. Intelligence provides the means for "evil"....
I can understand that. But the "average" person isn't so bad as much as the internet tries to make them seem
every word in the book, from adoon to sangadhuudhi

I have been to South Africa in 2015, same year my uncle was attacked by savage zulu bantus.

Can't wait to invade south Africa bro I will burn the whole place down to the ground like Solomon did to his enemies in the Bible.
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