why are muslim somalis so intolerant

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You did beautifuly bro: Here is the short version I got out out of your reply to him:

- There is NO mention in the Quran or in the Authentic sayings that Arabic will be the language of Heaven/Hell. There isn't any.
- His question of why Quran is in Arabic would be asked if the Quran was in a different language. Someone would be asking that same question out of spite.
- A simple answer is because the prophet that was chosen to be the last of massagers happened to be Arab and he had to understand the language naturally and then convey it to others easily.
that last point though..thats assuming the quran and whats in it is factual. but i agree on the 2nd point.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
and some of these niggas believe they descend form the prophet himself:mjlol:
Not necessarily, no one believes that. The clans that connect their lineages onto the Prophets s.c.w. lineage do so just to bless it up a tad.
Not necessarily, no one believes that. The clans that connect their lineages onto the Prophets s.c.w. do so just to bless it up a tad.
:ayaanswag: its common with muslims world wide. indho yaar asians and pakis do the same. but somalis do it too. its one of the many reasons they will never let go of whatever arab hybrid clan they hail form
one of the muslamics in this thread literally said we're cadaan bootyclappers for not following islam. but wouldn't the opposite be true? like its in arabic, you have to learn arabic to read it, its filled with old arab culture masked as "sunnah", the prophet was arab and it was first created on modern arab soil.

Walaashey we are debating semantics here. If you disagree with the Message can specify which areas of it? The brothers/sisters here can attempt to aid you in that regard (and if not refer you to those who can).


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
:ayaanswag: its common with muslims world wide. indho yaar asians and pakis do the same. but somalis do it too. its one of the many reasons they will never let go of whatever arab hybrid clan they hail form
I don't think any of them are are Arab hybrid clans but it's whatever somaha, as for not letting of Arab hybrid clans..

You gon' let go of yours?
I personally don't feel any hatred how can you hate a patient?

But from there point of view which I agree with, much of the anger is coming because you are viewed as a pathetic conformist self-hating weakling, someone that would become Hindu cow worshipper if they were in India and swim in the filth of the Ganji rivers.

Someone that would sell their entire country to the west, their language, culture and assets if they had the chance, much like a traitor! hence the anger and repulsive reactions are as a result of this. That natural innate human desire to guard that which is most dear to them.

I agree with all those sentiments but my conclusions are different, for me I see it as a brain parasite infestations, hence why I joined this forum to serve as clinical pathologist and administer the right cause of treatments, a pious humble free service to my community that I care about deeply.
A flat earther administering treatment? :faysalwtf:
Sxb these people are not that intellectually honest. I don't know why they become so defensive when you tell them it's an Arab religion. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is an arab duck. :siilaanyolaugh:

But there is nothing with it. It's not a reason to leave a religion because it doesn't happen to have your people in it. For example, I like some of the philosophies written by Europeans. If you genuinely like what's being preached and it resonates with you, then by all means, stick to it.

Islam (submission) is the most recent label of the Message, communicated from the Most High to his servants since creation. There is no God but Allah; this message has reached all areas of the globe. The final instructions were given to Muhammed (saw), a Quraishi man from the line of Ishmael.

If you want to dispute the content of the Message then speak your mind, but stop this idiocy. Even the most vehement atheists don't use this angle of attack because they understand how pointless it is. This is a universal Message, carried by Messengers of all types of ethnicity.
Only Somalis in Carabta, or the Northern regions do that the rest of us would rather bathe in lava.

Say it how it is noh.
the ones africa too fam. all thats left is UK and north america. australia doesn't exist to me and somalis form there are CANCELDT. but they probably think their aborigines


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
the ones africa too fam. all thats left is UK and north america. australia doesn't exist to me and somalis form there are CANCELDT. but they probably think their aborigines
I was talking about northern Somalia :ummhmsmiley:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
:mjlol: didn't even clock that lmao.

they have the saudi flag on their flag, and studies show 1 in 10 women are named halimo cade, and 1 in 5 men are named faraax abu batata ibn bithaar
Don't forget to squeeze yourself in baayo..
that last point though..thats assuming the quran and whats in it is factual. but i agree on the 2nd point.

Knowthy, you don't have to worry about that dear. You decided the Quran is not legit. Debating about it is a waste time for both of us. For future community service you may be open to do, don't start topics like this where you collectively blame Somalis. All you did was bring out others who took liberty in dissing their society without shame. This topic showed the connection one has to their community is not only skin color and blood but also religion. It actually explains the paranoia and fear Somalis have about other Somalis who are not muslims. It is a lesson for those who populate on the first/second page need to take from their own emotional negative contribution to this diss thread and ask themselves how related they feel to Somalis, and why they react the way they do when it comes to Somalis and their religion. Some self introspection is needed.

This shop should close up I think.
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Im dying at him saying this with his CHEST! :deadrose:

my nigga are you even somali? who is darod, isaaq? russian? :drakekidding:

somalis worship the very ground arabs walk on because they in their hearts believe that arabness is superior. tell me why somalis would claw your eyes out if you called them black, yet if you called the arab they'll be like "ani? :mjswag:" "beenta jooji, saas ma u qoorxuunahi?"

somalis kill each other over these alleged ancient arabs and some of these niggas believe they descend form the prophet himself:mjlol:

Mental retardation at its worse. The worst was, that the answer to your question was straight after the part which you highlighted from my quote.

Read again. But very slowly this time.

Somali dislike of Bantu or Blacks has nothing to do with Arabism or Islam. It has everything to do with Somalinimo. Somalis hate everything that is not Somali, including Arabism.

Now read my earlier quote properly! You might find the answer to why Somalis sometimes claim Arab origins. Read slowly. You might miss it.
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