Why are Ethiopian Somalis and other Somalis analyzed separately in DNA studies?


I've seen several studies were somalis and ethiopian somalis are analyzed separetly and it seems ethio-somalis have a few tiny differences with the other somalis when it comes to autosomal DNA. Why? I thought most ethiopian somalis are identical to the ones in Somalia. I dount that an Ogadeen from Ethiopia would be very different than an Ogadeen from Somalia.
Maybe they mixed with Oromos :cosbyhmm:





Population genetics studies keep re-using the same samples, perhaps for budgetary reasons. The ones labeled ''Ethiopian Somali'' come from urban Jigjiga, but I don't think they are all Northwest K5 Somalis. Probably includes K5ers from elsewhere far away. There are about 2 or 3 outliers-ish in that group who have much more Omotic/South Oromo affinity than the rest. One even clusters with South Oromos and not with Somalis at all, lol.

There are 3 more sample cohorts of Somalis that are often re-used. The other main one comes from either Sool or Nugaal, then there are Garrissa Somalis often labeled Somali Kenya, and a less often used cohort is one from Mogadishu (rarely used apparently).


wouldn't it be better if they used somali samples from the diaspora in the west? diaspora somalis are more "mixed"when it comes to clans and come from different parts of the country, maybe they are more rapresentative than samples that come from one or two regions


There are outliers in them skewing the average.

Most individuals in that Ethiopian Somali group are the same as the Sool/Nugaal samples if you disregard the 2 or 3 outliers.
so they had 2-3 outliers skewing the average which means the samples were very few to begin with.


wouldn't it be better if they used somali samples from the diaspora in the west? diaspora somalis are more "mixed"when it comes to clans and come from different parts of the country, maybe they are more rapresentative than samples that come from one or two regions

Those Sool/Nugaal samples are what most ethnic Somalis are like.

Only Omotic/South Oromo, Bantu, Benadiri, or recent Arab admixture could make a Somali deviate strongly from them (not that common, especially the last two elements). But of course not impossible either.


Those Sool/Nugaal samples are what most ethnic Somalis are like.

Only Omotic/South Oromo, Bantu, Benadiri, or recent Arab admixture could make a Somali deviate strongly from them (not that common, especially the last two elements). But of course not impossible either.
So the scientists assumed that sool/nugaal somalis are the average somali. Makes sense, but how can we know for sure if all ethnic somalis are the same if they only study sool/nugaal samples over and over again?


So the scientists assumed that sool/nugaal somalis are the average somali. Makes sense, but how can we know for sure if all ethnic somalis are the same if they only study sool/nugaal samples over and over again?

non-admixed Hawiyes who have done 23andMe tests are the same as them.
Same for most Isaaqs and Dirs.
always knew us OGs weren't related to zoumalis. starting today, we're our own ethnic group called the ogadenians.
now all we need is to drop this language and form our own language.
wa billahi tawfiiq:fittytousand: