Why are beards so unappreciated back home


Beard Shaving Comic Parodies | Know Your Meme
Forget appreciation, men should be growing their beards even if its one strand. Its their hijab and is haram if they shave it. I have seen older Somali men with full beards but sometimes I see a young one with four strands. But I think beards are attractive, even a struggle one.:it0tdo8:
I used to find beards attractive, now every time i look at a guy wearing one i wonder when he'll blow himself up. Terrorists ruined beards :kanyehmm:

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
That thòt you’re subscribed to on OnlyFans ain’t your wifey :sass2:
Nigga I’ve been with my wifey for 8 years. I’ve known her since we were in 8th grade. You should Put the lubricant down, wash your hands, unsubscribe from the cursed website that is OnlyFans and be an Alpha :ufdup:


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
Truly testing times for some faaraxs when this taliban' goat has more gaar than they would ever have
goatbeard6 (1).jpg

Good news though, gaar doesn't really determine shyt if your chin/jawline looks like it was stolen by the next door neighbor. Chin up fellas, you'll get through whatever y'all facing. This life too short to worry about shit you can't help

