who's hooyos are these insulting each other?

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
what the hell
who tolerates this
this time i’m back on xalimo basher side what is this mess acuthubillah


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake


Been there, done that
The camera woman is the coward in this case

>the other woman is smart enough to realize she's in a public space full of white people that probably has cameras so she doesn't wanna risk potential charges in starting a fight

>camera women finds out she won't get hurt in such a location so she whips out her phone and starts recording so people might think she's the 'badass' in this situation

>If you're still not convinced notice how she amplifies her insults once the other woman is out of hearing distance
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Milf hunter
saw this before, this shit had me rolling no cap

these are the same hooyos who you hear get their kids taken away or whose kids become hoes:manny:

