Boqor of Boqors. The man your wife fantasises of.
Let them suck each other off.Looool invite me in these qabiils kilaabs need to die out, btw they r still doing fkd
Let them suck each other off.Looool invite me in these qabiils kilaabs need to die out, btw they r still doing fkd
May Eedo Khadra's inside power to keep IOG in check increases exponentially and may she keep supporting us both financially and politically till ictraf comesAmenThe pilot is ciise , idk where you are getting your fake news from. And we do like IOG because he is our -in law, no bad blood there. And our edo , First Lady of djibouti brings all the money to Hargeisa. She was the biggest donor to Muse Bixi during the election. Stick to your little village instead of talking about things you donβt know!