Who is the most beautiful ethnic group in the Horn of Africa?

Who's the beautiful ethnic group in the Horn of Africa?

  • Afar

    Votes: 8 6.3%
  • Saho

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Somali

    Votes: 84 66.7%
  • Harari

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Tigre

    Votes: 4 3.2%
  • Tigrinya-Tigrayan

    Votes: 16 12.7%
  • Bilen

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Amhara

    Votes: 4 3.2%
  • Oromo

    Votes: 4 3.2%
  • Gurage

    Votes: 1 0.8%

  • Total voters


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Gerald Hanley is an old Colonial hand who lived with Somalis. This is from his book Warriors: Life and Death Among the Somalis:

"A Somali always felt himself to be twice as good as any white man, or any other kinds of the man at all, and still does, even when he is wrong. Islam does wonders for the self-respect of non-white people and Christianity is right to worry about the spread of Islam in Africa, and must honestly face the question of why it has happened - "

"Of all the desiccated, bitter, cruel, sun-beaten wildernesses which starve and thirst beyond the edges of Africa's luscious, jungled centre, there cannot be one more Christless than the one which begins at the northern foot of Mount Kenya and stretches to the foothills of Abyssinia, and from there to the dried-out glittering tip of Cape Gardafui where the hot karif winds blow in from where the long shark's race under the thin blue skin of the ocean. You can never think of those wildernesses without thinking of daggers and spears, rolling fierce eyes under a map of dusty black crinkly hair, of mad stubborn camels, rocks too hot to touch, and blood feuds whose origins cannot be remembered only honoured in the stabbing. But of all the races of Africa, there cannot be one better to live among than the most difficult, the proudest, the bravest, the vainest, the most merciless, the friendliest; the Somalis."

"I knew an Italian priest who had spent over thirty years among the Somalis and he made two converts, and it amazed me that he got even those two. The Prophet has no more fervent, and ignorant, followers, but that is not their fault that they are ignorant. Their natural intelligence is second to none and when the education factories start work among them they should surprise Africa, and themselves."

"I never saw a Somali who showed any fear of death, which, impressive though it sounds, carries within it the chill of pitilessness and ferocity as well. If you have no fear of death you have none for anybody else's either, but that fearlessness has always been essential to the Somalis who have had to try and survive hunger, disease, and thirst while prepared to fight and die against their enemies, their fellow Somalis for pleasure in the blood feud, or the Ethiopians who would like to rule them, or the white men who got in the way for a while."

"Every time a Somali got whipped, an Italian soldier was killed"

"Wandering in The Shag (desert) were Somalis with some of the sharpest intelligence in the continent, nomads who had been forced into being parasites of the camel, for centuries, and could anyone ever find a way of using all that courage and intelligence?"

"There is no one alive as tough as the Somali nomad. No one. An askari wounded in a fight in the Haud country walked 14 miles holding his guts in his hand, was sewn up, and lived to soldier again. And the women are as spiritually strong as their men."

"....You get into that way of thinking in the Somali waste. You think that way because the Somalis bitterly resent the white man, and struggle continually, and admirably, by lies and intrigue, to fight off his influence which spells the end of their peculiar world. You cannot beat them. They have no inferiority complexes, no wide-eyed worship of the white man's ways, and no fear of him, of his guns, or of his official anger. They are a race to be admired, if hard to love."


Death Awaits You
I'm Samaroon. Literally, 80% of us live outside Somaliland/Somalia. The contiguous colonial lines did not account for the fact that the people in Awdal extend into the Galbeed. Borama is not their only home. And they do not historically live in Jigjiga but to the North in what is known as the Awbarre region. The map below is an old one of Harrar.
View attachment 211915
I see however samaroon's capital city is borama, plus awebarre is only 11 miles away from borama. My father's family are also from qalbeed, not far away from the colonial border but they don't have any relevant cities over there. I see you as reer waqooye huno



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I see however samaroon's capital city is borama, plus awebarre is only 11 miles away from borama. My father's family are also from qalbeed, not far away from the colonial border but they don't have any relevant cities over there. I see you as reer waqooye huno

View attachment 211919

:kanyeshrug:The point is most of the tol don't live in Awdal. And Awbarre isn't just a town but a district as well. You know Somalis live across several borders/countries.
I think we all look quite similar in features. I do like the quintessential “Somali” look. Unfortunately I dont have it though, I get mistaken for Ethiopian and Eritrean often

Now if you wanna talk about most beautiful traditional clothes Hararis win. Their traditional dress is stunning



Excluding Somalis, due to bias.

I think Bejas are the best looking. They got Cushitic Horner, Habesha, Egyptian, and North Sudanese looks.

The pics you see of them on google search don't do them justice (making them look like barbarian rural hicks), but I saw some in the UAE (diaspora) & I had a Beja Sudanese-Eritrean friend (also diaspora) growing up and saw his relatives and they look better than most Horners.
Excluding Somalis, due to bias.

I think Bejas are the best looking. They got Cushitic Horner, Habesha, Egyptian, and North Sudanese looks.

The pics you see of them on google search don't do them justice (making them look like barbarian rural hicks), but I saw some in the UAE (diaspora) & I had a Beja Sudanese-Eritrean friend (also diaspora) growing up and saw his relatives and they look better than most Horners.
Now I’m interested in knowing how they look. I’ve never met any Beja


Now I’m interested in knowing how they look. I’ve never met any Beja

They look like something in between Sudanese Arabs, Habeshas, and Afars, with a hint of pseudo-Egyptian and pseudo-Somali looks.

They don't got that peasant bug-eyed Habesha look which makes many Habesha look bad. They look more regal.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Somalis also got some bad features, but luckily they only appear in a minority of Somalis. Most notably weird very V shaped jaws in Faraxs and extremely puffy chins in Xalimos. Other Horners tend not to have this Somali specific thing.

Sorry, Apollo but No!

:hemad: That's pure suugo science.
Somalis also got some bad features, but luckily they only appear in a minority of Somalis. Most notably weird very V shaped jaws in Faraxs and extremely puffy cheeks in Xalimos. Other Horners tend not to have this Somali specific thing.
V shaped jaws, isn’t that the type of surgery some Korean women get :stressed:


Somalis all have this punchable annoying face. Tbh there isn't a most beautiful ethnic group in the horn. All the same in my honest books
I honestly don't know because Horn Africans look very similar; the stereotypes about the Habash having big eyes and being short, is true; Somalis are much taller and also seem to have more prominent cheekbones.


Staff Member
Where's the Bantu ethnic groups option? Many live in the Horn. I vote Bantu ethnic groups. Their features are way more defined and have silky, smooth skin. They are also taller and have meat on them.
Where's the Bantu ethnic groups option? Many live in the Horn. I vote Bantu ethnic groups. Their features are way more defined and have silky, smooth skin. They are also taller and have meat on them.

:deadpeter: :pachah1:

Yep, you're definitely a provocateur with a penchant for shocking, irritating and challenging your people.

