I’ve been thinking about making one tbh
I’ll be using nothing but authentic studies sxb with sourcesGo for it sxb, but avoid becoming another Masaman that over-relies on Wiki.
I’m tryna get that nerd siilDamn nigga why u like genetics so much
My brothaI’m tryna get that nerd siil
When you release a video on Ancient Egypt be prepared for the N1gger-congo & other Negro folks to lose their composure & shit all over the comments section.I’m tryna get that nerd siil
I’d love to see u and @Apollo make one too y’all know way more than me lolMake one sxb.
Educate Somalis about genetics.
You can’t win with negrocentrics bro if I make a video on how copts are the closest to the ancient Egyptians or that samaritans are israelites they’ll respond with “the real copts and samaritans are black!” They’re even claiming natufians smhIf you're debunking afrocentrist, fake israelites, Reer We wuz Pharaohs, imma watch your content
NATUFIANS??!!! WTF LOOOOOOLYou can’t win with negrocentrics bro if I make a video on how copts are the closest to the ancient Egyptians or that samaritans are israelites they’ll respond with “the real copts and samaritans are black!” They’re even claiming natufians smh
What does the ANE reconstruction look like?Sxb if your talking about the Steppe pastoralists who spoke Indo-European then there are facial reconstructions of them. They trace half of their ancestry from Iran_N/CHG and another half from Eastern Hunter Gatherer.
They probably didn't look pashtun considering only 25% of a Pashtuns ancestry comes from Steppe people.
If you're talking about ANE the component which makes the majority ancestry in Eastern hunter gatherers and 40% in native Americans then there also have been reconstruction of them, they don't really look to much like Pashtuns.
Yea they probably looked pretty similar to that ainu man, according to this chart the ANE were 76% kostenki-related and 24% tianyuan-related so I can imagine a 3/4 early west eurasian 1/4 early east eurasian population looking kinda similar to that ainu guy and even some central Asian groupsEven though the Ainu don't have much ANE, their weird/unique phenotype may be a replica of the ANE phenotype (the 'pure' Ainu, the ones that look unique and aren't too mixed with Jomon Japanese). Basically something in between Europeans and Asians.
Possibly like this guy:
But that is just my Suugo opinion.