Who gives LGBTQHJGHGHGZ this much power?


wallahi that world will not be a straight male paradise for long because they will force you as they already trying to do to date and marry them if not you will be cancelled, called transphobe, bigot.

you will see your sister, brother or sons/daughter suffering from that illness and will be obligated to accept them.

we already see the increase of LGBTQ imam.
Wallahi they are plotting for Muslim genocide #MuslimsLiveMatter #geeljiresarenotgay
It's wishful thinking :noneck:

We'd get another Sodom and Gomorrah
Wallahi Bio Women are in danger look what is happening to my Sis JKRowling....

Bio women can't even talk about their womanhood without a butthurt ladyboy call them TERF.

Lefties are a bunch of mental-ill people. The saddest part this is because of women and feminism like they worked so hard to be silenced and beaten by cosplaying men.

Wallahi Somali men have to be careful tomorrow they will arrest you for transphobia because you refused to marry a trans-woman.
Trannies are women. Get with the times.