Who Funds Al-Shabab?

Random question but I was just thinking about Somalia and the constant war going on there and one thing that never really clicks in my mind is who is funding them?

Bombs and weapons are very expensive yet there seems to be one going off every week in Mogadishu for the past 20 years…. Also Al shabab are the only salary men in Somalia lmao who is paying them? Do rich Somalis would benefit much from the instability of their own country?

I remember my mom talking about the war and she said a lot of the people who lived in the outskirts and villages or from oppressed tribes by the former president came out with weapons randomly and it just escalated.

But that makes no sense…. Idk any thoughts?
Al shabab brings in way more tax than the Somali gov and been doing it for 15+ years. They’ve got isbaros all over Somalia where they tax truckers & their goods and also got people in Mogadishu who collect tax for them. They’ve got people in the gov who works for them in every sector and that also includes the ports. They are the dowlad all but in name.

There is a monopoly in Somalia so yes the rich corrupt people there do benefit from al shabab in a sense, many will even use them against eachother. There is a reason why there’s way more Somali businessmen in Eastleigh alone than Somalia.
Al shabab brings in way more tax than the Somali gov and been doing it for 15+ years. They’ve got isbaros all over Somalia where they tax truckers & their goods and also got people in Mogadishu who collect tax for them. They’ve got people in the gov who works for them in every sector and that also includes the ports. They are the dowlad all but in name.

There is a monopoly in Somalia so yes the rich corrupt people there do benefit from al shabab in a sense, many will even use them against eachother. There is a reason why there’s way more Somali businessmen in Eastleigh alone than Somalia.
Wooow that makes so much sense thanks!

Quick question though I still don’t understand how they monopolize their businesses? Also are some of the businessmen in eastleigh part of al shabab? I didn’t quite understand that part.
Qatar partially funds these groups, but they know how to make their own revenue. They do under the table trades of natural resources for weapons with weapon and military equipment providers.

I remember reading somewhere that isis made money from local factories that they took over in Syria.
Wooow that makes so much sense thanks!

Quick question though I still don’t understand how they monopolize their businesses? Also are some of the businessmen in eastleigh part of al shabab? I didn’t quite understand that part.
Let’s say sugar/flour import what ive heard only Hormuud imports in Mogadishu, even simpler stuff as ”backpack” import is held by one person who distribute it, and for the people who try get a share in those areas generally dont end well. What i meant with Eastleigh,Kampala n so on is that Somalis go there and start business because it’s a safe enviroment unlike Somalia where life is cheap.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
They make millions from charcoal trade via Kismaayu port and have an unofficial detente with Kenya to allow these kilos of charcoal to be exported to UAE for shiisha. They also tax every single construction project in Mogadishu.
Somalis and foreigners help fund Al Shabaab they make most of there money from bribery, extortion, hawala money transfers, kidnappings for ransom, money laundering, and personal couriers, extortion of elders, businesspeople, and farmers, exploitation of automobile trade, mobile money transfers, and theft of pastoralists livestock. Illegal mining and trade/smuggling of commodities such as charcoal, heroin, other drugs which it resells, ivory, livestock, and sugar/salt. taxes on individuals, businesses, and collects tolls, fees, and taxes on agricultural produce and land.
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The people who fund AL Shabaab and provide them with sophisticated intelligence and training are the same people who don’t want Somalia to be out of this perpetual conflict because they don’t want Somali oil and gas to enter the markets. Unfortunately “muh ummah” monkey aren’t ready for that!!
Random question but I was just thinking about Somalia and the constant war going on there and one thing that never really clicks in my mind is who is funding them?

Bombs and weapons are very expensive yet there seems to be one going off every week in Mogadishu for the past 20 years…. Also Al shabab are the only salary men in Somalia lmao who is paying them? Do rich Somalis would benefit much from the instability of their own country?

I remember my mom talking about the war and she said a lot of the people who lived in the outskirts and villages or from oppressed tribes by the former president came out with weapons randomly and it just escalated.

But that makes no sense…. Idk any thoughts?
Somali businessmen fund them and they make more money from taxation than the government does. They don’t have many that much foreign funding

It’s a mixture of Somalis loving to externalize their problems and murtards trying to be dollar store Persian self-haters

The people who fund AL Shabaab and provide them with sophisticated intelligence and training are the same people who don’t want Somalia to be out of this perpetual conflict because they don’t want Somali oil and gas to enter the markets. Unfortunately “muh ummah” monkey aren’t ready for that!!
Qatar partially funds these groups, but they know how to make their own revenue. They do under the table trades of natural resources for weapons with weapon and military equipment providers.

I remember reading somewhere that isis made money from local factories that they took over in Syria.

why would qatar fund them when that would destroy any influence they have with the Somali government? Maybe individual qatiri businesspeople at best, but the gulf states spend billions on supporting the FGS.
Somali businessmen fund them and they make more money from taxation than the government does. They don’t have many that much foreign funding

It’s a mixture of Somalis loving to externalize their problems and murtards trying to be dollar store Persian self-haters

why would qatar fund them when that would destroy any influence they have with the Somali government? Maybe individual qatiri businesspeople at best, but the gulf states spend billions on supporting the FGS.
Qatar has been accused of funding too many terrorist groups in the SWANA region. atp it has to be true.

I remember even seeing a pic on SSpot years ago of an al shabaab fighter wearing an 'I love Qatar' t shirt, I wish I could find it.
Qatar has been accused of funding too many terrorist groups in the SWANA region. atp it has to be true.

I remember even seeing a pic on SSpot years ago of an al shabaab fighter wearing an 'I love Qatar' t shirt, I wish I could find it.
Accused, but no proof. As for the “I love Qatar” shirt they sell those at bakara for 20k shillings, they’re leftover from the world-cup.
this was years before the world cup
Sorry, I know I saw people wearing them in Bosaso back in 2007 or so. My brain must have confused that with the World Cup. Imminkasta those shirts have always been common, it’s like saying AirDubai shirts mean they’re funded by UAE or Arsenal shirts mean they’re funded by England.
One has to remember that 90 percent off all businessmen in southern Somalia are paying bribes to them and that they’re more like a mafia at this point than a military group.
Random question but I was just thinking about Somalia and the constant war going on there and one thing that never really clicks in my mind is who is funding them?

Bombs and weapons are very expensive yet there seems to be one going off every week in Mogadishu for the past 20 years…. Also Al shabab are the only salary men in Somalia lmao who is paying them? Do rich Somalis would benefit much from the instability of their own country?

I remember my mom talking about the war and she said a lot of the people who lived in the outskirts and villages or from oppressed tribes by the former president came out with weapons randomly and it just escalated.

But that makes no sense…. Idk any thoughts?
it's hard to tell but the fact that they are on par with NISA when it comes to intel means that there is some western power involved

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