Presidents can only run for two termsI hope Trump wins, for the sheer reason that the United States deserves him. Hope he get a third term and shits on you yankee niggas.
Akhi I did it on purpose so that people are forced to vote to see the resultsYou fucked up the poll sxb, you cant view the results without voting, shoudlve made a Idk/Not american/ not voting. People are gonna vote to see the results now
I know that. Come on saaxib, put two and two together.Presidents can only run for two terms
Bullshit. I'd much rather have a respectable career politician who has the occasional verbal gaffe than a man who inherited record unemployment from the brilliant Obama he despises so much. COVID-19 was Donald Trump's first test and he failed it miserably. I'm not so sure now that the middle class is prospering exactly. Especially with soaring current unemployment rates. And I don't think I need to provide you with his whole backstory either, anyone with even a little sense can see him for who he truly is.A bought & paid for career politician turned dementia patient vs the president who gave us record unemployment (before the Chinese flu), economy soaring, illegal immigration dropping, and the middle class prospering. Such a tough decision