White Republican American: Somalis were the most cruel slave traders in all of Africa!

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There’s are major hole in your hypothesis. Portuguese visited Barawa and “Mogodaxo” in the 1500s. Look at what they wrote. Looks like your making up stuff as you go along. In what world are Somalis considered moors? Even a white guy who visited southern Somalia said the cities were Arab run!

You're hilarious using sources that record false traditions. Here are Arab scholars themselves when they visited the Mogadishu and Barawa themselves.

According to Imam Qadi who was a medieval scholar and traveller who visited Mogadishu and the Benadir coast confirmed they were neither Arab or Persian enclaves but largely African towns that were dominated and ruled by the native dark skin Africans that spoke their own native African tongue. His travels alone debunk your lies.


Here is Ibn Sa'id another medieval scholar who visited Mogadishu, Merca and Barawa. He confirmed the coastal areas were predominantly Somali. He mentions Arab, Persian and Indian merchants living on these coastal towns but admitted they were a minority.


Reading further it says from Merca to Ras Hafun was primarily inhabited by Somalis.


When Ibn Battuta visited Mogadishu in the 13th century. He confirmed the ruler being Somali.


In the 15th century. Both Mogadishu and Barawa were under the Ajuran Sultanate. The Portuguese tried to conquer them but were defeated by the Ajurans.


During those period, the Tunni clan were the traditional owners of Barawa and Moorshe a sub-clan of Ajuran were the traditional owners of Mogadishu.

You're hilarious using sources that record false traditions. Here are Arab scholars when they visited the Mogadishu and Barawa themselves.

According to Imam Qadi who was a medieval scholar and traveller who visited Mogadishu and the Benadir coast confirmed they were neither Arab or Persian enclaves but largely African towns that were dominated and ruled by the native dark skin Africans that spoke their own native African tongue. His travels alone debunk your lies.


Here is Ibn Sa'id another medieval scholar who visited Mogadishu, Merca and Barawa. He confirmed the coastal areas were predominantly Somali.


Reading further it says from Merca to Ras Hafun was primarily inhabited by Somalis.


When Ibn Battuta visited Mogadishu in the 13th century. He confirmed the ruler being Somali.


In the 15th century. Both Mogadishu and Barawa were under the Ajuran Sultanate. The Portuguese tried to conquer them but where defeated by the Ajurans.


During those period, the Tunni clan were the traditional owners of Barawa and Moorshe a sub-clan of Ajuran were the traditional owners of Barawa.

https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.172733/page/n11?q=barawa YOU ARE A REVISIONIST! Please read the whole thing! Don't make me research the Arjuran Sultanate bro!
I had the moniker Amun (We Wuz Kangz Ancient Egyptian) before but got bored of it. :siilaanyolaugh: Yes, it is Greek.
My cousin's is Facebook is an Ancient Egyptian name or something. Something like Ra. I found a quote in a book describing Somalis as looking like Apollo. I was wondering if you got your username from there.


https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.172733/page/n11?q=barawa YOU ARE A REVISIONIST! Please read the whole thing! Don't make me research the Arjuran Sultanate bro!

Medieval Arab scholars like Ibn Sa'id, Imam Qadi and Ibn Battuta who visited the Benadir coast aren't being revisionist. I don't need to read records of your false traditions.

You are welcome to read the Ajuran Sultanate though. They were one of the most sophisticated civilizations in the medieval times.

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=X1dDDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA59&dq=Ajuran+Imamate+multi+clan&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZxfnNvMvhAhWmThUIHfZvAeMQ6AEIKjAA#v=onepage&q=Ajuran Imamate multi clan&f=false
Medieval Arab scholars like Ibn Sa'id, Imam Qadi and Ibn Battuta who witnessed the Benadir coast aren't being revisionist. I don't need to read records of your false traditions.

You are welcome to read the Ajuran Sultanate though. They were one of the most sophisticated civilizations in the medieval times.

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=X1dDDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA59&dq=Ajuran+Imamate+multi+clan&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZxfnNvMvhAhWmThUIHfZvAeMQ6AEIKjAA#v=onepage&q=Ajuran Imamate multi clan&f=false
Dude these sources were written in the 1500s and 1800s. Thank god for archive.org. What do the Ancient Romans, Chinese, and European get out saying Arabs founded Mogadishu, Merka, And Barawa. Most sophisticated????? Stop lying to yourself bro! The Ajuran didn't build anything just took over Mogadishu and ran it to the ground economically. Sound familiar?


who cares if youre ancestors where arabs who settled in somalia as noble guests, if you are arab just claim arab history you cadcad fool
and stop corrupting and taking our history
who cares if youre ancestors where arabs who settled in somalia as noble guests, if you are arab just claim arab history you cadcad fool
and stop corrupting and taking our history
Like I said Arabs founded the coastal cities. According to explorers who visited the coastal cities in the 1500s!
who cares if youre ancestors where arabs who settled in somalia as noble guests, if you are arab just claim arab history you cadcad fool
and stop corrupting and taking our history
Taking your history? Wow! Refute Joa de Barros first!


Dude these sources were written in the 1500s and 1800s. Thank god for archive.org. What do the Ancient Romans, Chinese, and European get out saying Arabs founded Mogadishu, Merka, And Barawa. Most sophisticated????? Stop lying to yourself bro! The Ajuran didn't build anything just took over Mogadishu and ran it to the ground economically. Sound familiar?

Why are you lying? Ancient Romans and Chinese confirmed they were Somali cities. Europeans too and your own medieval Arab scholars who visited Mogadishu, Merca and Barawa confirmed it too. I don't care if you reject what they have written but facts are facts.

There are many things Ajuran accomplished that put them ahead of most Africans.

  1. The only African hydraulic empire.
  2. First Africans to successfully engage in a naval warfare with the European superpower
  3. First Africans to trade with the far east.
  4. One of the few African empires to use musketeers and cannons.
  5. First Africans to establish an embassy in China.
  6. Arguably the richest kingdom in Africa.
  7. Only Africans to successfully resist the Portuguese.
  8. Left an extensive architectural legacy throughout southern Somalia and had its own currency.
I think it's safe to assume it was an advanced kingdom.
Why are you lying? Ancient Romans and Chinese confirmed they were Somali cities. Europeans too and your own medieval Arab scholars who visited Mogadishu, Merca and Barawa confirmed it too. I don't care if you reject what they have written but facts are facts.

There are many things Ajuran accomplished that put them ahead of most Africans.

  1. The only African hydraulic empire.
  2. First Africans to successfully engage in a naval warfare with the European superpower
  3. First Africans to trade with the far east.
  4. One of the few African empires to use musketeers and cannons.
  5. First Africans to establish an embassy in China.
  6. Arguably the richest kingdom in Africa.
  7. Only Africans to successfully resist the Portuguese.
  8. Left an extensive architectural legacy and had its own currency.
I think it's safe to assume it was an advanced kingdom.
The ancient Chinese visited Zeila and Berber. The only thing you are right about is facts being facts!
Why are there any sources at all that say Arabs founded Mogadishu? Especially ancient sources?

stop draining people. how you found somewhere already been settled specially when you crossed oceans from a distant land. could give u benefit of the doubt if you came from inland which is not the case.
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