White Man Has A Mental Breakdown Tariq Nasheed Gives His Critiques

Cadaans are so unstable man. One minute they are normal next minute they are having a full-blown meltdown :wtf:

@Arma Now I understand why you say whites make terrible slaves :mjlol::dead:
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The incident had nothing to do with race. Tariq is a black supremacist
black supremacist ?????

baryas will be baryas

can someone explain to me what makes this anti black ? Tariq is so annoying

There was nothing anti-black about the white guy's mental breakdown. Tariq is just race-baiting. However, it seems white people are rewarding the white guy even though he was going crazy while on the job.

Oh it seems he was also drunk driving and drunk while on the job. :wtf:
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Fock this Tariq monkey. All he does cause fitna and disputes between peaceful entities.

Look at the moron, making fun of a clearly mentally distraught dude, and using his disabilities as a utility for his race-baits. The world would end if the races were switched.

He must be stopped before he brings his psychopathy to Somalis
The white guy is not a victim he was drunk at work and driving drunk. However, Tariq is a race hustler.
The white guy is not a victim he was drunk at work and driving drunk. However, Tariq is a race hustler.
He is a victim. That man who filmed him was an asshole who was looking for viral moment using race. Instead he pushed and pushed a mentally ill people. even after seeing his breakdown he didnt stop filming and was looking for more. No humanity. People dont like to watch mentally ill be abused