Which sspot Xalimos/Faaraxs would you holler at irl?

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The somalilandic people of Somaliland miyaa? :patrice:

My country :rejoice:

Honestly it would be @VixR I feel that our compatibility levels would be off the roof.
1. A somali gaal. Doesn't f*ck around with religion.
2. She's not needy, i'd only spend three hours a week with her. such magnificence.
3. she's rational. Not biased unless Manz comes after her sspot girls. :damn:
4. She doesn't want any children.
5. Likes her own space. Even though likes people( sociable).
I feel like she wouldn't hinder you like most girls would, from my experience.

HIT MY DMS ABAAYO!!! :russsmug::shaq:
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