Which SS faraax wrote this?

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This was a very good read

Anybody that has twitter can see the disgusting behavior of some Somali sisters . It’s an epidemic now and not just a somalispot talking point . We are losing our young boys to street culture , and we are losing our young girls to BLM/LGBTQP


The worst are the colored hair with septum ring xalimos. They are usually obese and very loud.


It’s basically a r/redpill ripoff. I would give it a C- for outright plagiarism and lack of original thought.

It’s another extremist culmination of the phenomenon of Somali male Alt-right wannabes.

He actually signed it “The Somali manosphere”.

Redpill with a side of [fake] Somali nationalism.
It’s basically a r/redpill ripoff. I would give it a C- for outright plagiarism and lack of original thought.

It’s another extremist culmination of phenomenon of Somali male Alt-right wannabes.

He actually signed it “The Somali manosphere”.

Redpill with a side of nationalism.

Its just full of buzzwords and internet cliches. The article is very long and tackles a wide range of subjects, yet weirdly its not saying much.


Its just full of buzzwords and internet cliches. The article is very long and tackles a wide range of subjects, yet weirdly its not saying much.
It just barely brushes past clichés. No real delving. He got lost in the weeds.

I never thought I’d see the day Muslims felt they needed to embrace redpill lol. Islam is already redpill. The reason redpill exists in the West is bc these redpill guys want to turn back the clock to return to “the good old days”, as they see it. Islam is very much in it’s ‘good old days’, and yet this idiot is too stupid to realize it. It’s the same affliction that Alt-right Somali guys get hit with, bc some maladjusted White kid is writing misfortune boner chronicles from his basement, he’ll follow.
It just barely brushes past clichés. No real delving. He got lost in the weeds.

I never thought I’d see the day Muslims felt they needed to embrace redpill lol. Islam is already redpill. The reason redpill exists in the West is bc these redpill guys want to turn back the clock to return to “the good old days”, as they see it. Islam is very much in it’s ‘good old days’, and yet this idiot is too stupid to realize it. It’s the same affliction that Alt-right Somali guys get hit with, bc some maladjusted White kid is writing misfortune boner chronicles from his basement, he’ll follow.

Its the same ideology that caused some Indian men in India to become MRAs and state that feminist in India are taking away rights from them.

What more do these men in India want, they already rape and burn women and girls in the open and get away it. How much more do they need to abuse women until they are satisfied?

This is why I do a crusade against the boys here. Someone needs to take to them task or else if you give them an inch they will take a mile.

Germaine Greer said it best " women have no idea how much men hate them". I think the internet has really opened the eyes of many women and we now see how much hate these men have for women.


Its the same ideology that caused some Indian men in India to become MRAs and state that feminist in India are taking away rights from them.

What more do these men in India want, they already rape and burn women and girls in the open and get away it. How much more do they need to abuse women until they are satisfied?

This is why I do a crusade against the boys here. Someone needs to take to them task or else if you give them an inch they will take a mile.

Germaine Greer said it best " women have no idea how much men hate them". I think the internet has really opened the eyes of many women and we now see how much hate these men have for women.
How pathetically sad. I can’t say I’m surprised. It’s as if very little surprises me anymore...

I don’t think crusades work. I think just worry about the ones in your life. That’s worry enough.


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
Can't hate Xalimos, if you don't give a f*ck about Xalimos. :siilaanyolaugh::siilaanyosmile::dabcasar:
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