Where did the natufians originate from

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It was located on the levant region in Eastern Mediterranean. By the way, Arabs had nothing to do with the ancient Natufian people.
Anybody got an exact location?


Natufian Archaeological Sites
Natufian sites are located in the Fertile Crescent region of western Asia. Some of the important ones include:

  • Israel: Mt. Carmel, Ain Mallaha (Eynan), Hayonim Cave, Nahal Oren, Rosh Zin, Rosh Horesha, Skhul Cave, Hilazon Tachtit, Kebara Cave, Raqefet Cave
  • Jordan: Wadi Hammeh, Wadi Judayid, Kharaneh IV, Jilat 6
  • Syria: Abu Hureyra
  • Palestine: Jericho
  • Turkey: Gobekli Tepe

"The hunter-gatherers of the Natufian culture – spread over modern-day Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria approximately 11,500 to 15,000 years ago – were among the first people to build permanent houses and cultivate edible plants.

These innovations were likely crucial to the subsequent emergence of agriculture during the Neolithic era which followed."

Keeping sheep and goats, cattle, etc. were part of the agricultural revolution: Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael and Jacob, etc. Do you know the story of Jacob's cattle and the domestication of livestock?
Those skull studies are bullshit.

They have no ancestry from Sub-Saharan Africa. Proven by actual scientists who looked into this.
I was joking. Have you actually seen their skulls tho? Their heads were huge!


So some of us have massive skulls cos of these niggas? Always thought it was just a weird mutation.
So some of us have massive skulls cos of these niggas? Always thought it was just a weird mutation.

Look at this head! Its clear we got our heads from these guys. La Xawla.
Sidenote: I think these guys were likely madow though- not "Eurasian" genetically. A good chunk of Arabia was settled by madow people like the Cushites and even other groups like the Cananites. The first civilization was built by a black man- Nimrod.

Look at this head! Its clear we got our heads from these guys. La Xawla.
Sidenote: I think these guys were likely madow though- not "Eurasian" genetically. A good chunk of Arabia was settled by madow people like the Cushites and even other groups like the Cananites. The first civilization was built by a black man- Nimrod.

Much of that skull is actually plaster


Cushitic general
I think they have partial origins with non-Sub-Saharan mixed Ancient Egyptians.
Interesting, also do u know of any nilotic cultures taking place during the time the natufians came in contact with them? Did those nilotics that the natufians mixed with go by a certain name?



Look at this head! Its clear we got our heads from these guys. La Xawla.
Sidenote: I think these guys were likely madow though- not "Eurasian" genetically. A good chunk of Arabia was settled by madow people like the Cushites and even other groups like the Cananites. The first civilization was built by a black man- Nimrod.

We can't figure this out untill we Store a range of Somali Skull sets across tribal lines, across occupational lines, across even geographic lines. I am sure you will see differences as some neighbor oromos like the ogadens, some neighbor bantus in the south, some neighbor yemenis across the red sea, some have access to a wide range of explorers through the indian ocean.

We need to collect our skulls, group them into occupations, group another by tribe, group another by geography, group another by time period the older they are and check for changes from our current skulls. Then compare them to world wide skulls and start identifying which groups are similar in race but that won't tell us much about DNA. Race is like have you seen two Somalis who look like each other on the outside but have different parents. You could have a brother who shares the same father and mother with you look totally different to you on the outside but your identical in the inside while you could have someone who looks identical on the outside yet nothing related on the inside as you have different parents.

We must separate our skulls into internal DNA brothers who report to the same early groups that we all developed from and then group another on external similarities such as race and start working out Somali place in ancient and modern human history.



Look at this head! Its clear we got our heads from these guys. La Xawla.
Sidenote: I think these guys were likely madow though- not "Eurasian" genetically. A good chunk of Arabia was settled by madow people like the Cushites and even other groups like the Cananites. The first civilization was built by a black man- Nimrod.

Finally at least your awoken to @James Dahl and @Grant white-washing of history and making everything appear closer to european, if he can't score it for himself he will try to link everything outside his reach and say their was a migration out of europe and their really europeans who got lost in africa. He can't tolerate saying another group of people did better then him, he is one of those ancient euro-centrist who uses scientific evidences to support it. But his arguments are usually pretty weak and can be dissected to pieces.
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