Where Are Sub Marine Weak Point


Send a fact finding mission to 'identify' the 'weakest' point of a Sub-marine. U want wars Somali, u don't go in running like wild man unless of course the enemy is 'ordered' man(structured) I can understand the strategy then as 'planned' can't handle 'chaos' as it requires everything in the 'right sequence' and 'orders'. But we need to identify weak points only and then 'assess' our 'weaponry' not cry for 'UN lift arms embargo' kkkkk more 'pleading' you know how this shocks the spirit of our people, it's against their values of 'gunnimo' why are you their 'president'? you will never get their support without just spending time bribing and wasting 30 years of their time and not much is said of you as no-one remembers people who didn't anything for them. I realized how important legacy is then.

Even 'water' well some niggas talk about the guy who contributed to it, cause anything 'positive' is amazing 'feat' on the continent as it's not adapted to it in history. They know it's all about 'small things' first their cultures as the big things are just 'unrealistic' and the fear of 'isolation' is on everyone mind regardless where they are on the continent especially if they know their 'cultural values' still and history. Rural culture that influence me to understand Somali is my 'dad' attitude. He has to 'see' something on the 'ground' or before 'eyes' or he feels your sending them into isolation era. For example he says 'war ceel' yar badiyaha geey, begin legacy. Don't sit in the cities kkkk oo qaatay dhaqamadi gumaysiga oo raba legacy on brainwashing not 'provable' results that 'stretch' centuries. They are 'ready' for war basically the mind not actually 'contributions' their not adapted to it due to isolation era of jabhado with ethio backing. Hardest people to trick or fool are them as they know all the poker faces u come up with and learning it will give u good guide to urban character which is 'civilized' way of translating it

Listen I know this will hurt u but it's real. They use the devolve I think process on unsolvable areas, your going back in trees after certain period of time as there has been no value add and they know you are not the 'base' to create one. The farming ones are used as 'pets' in america and europe to create social warrior. We are the game, the losses are undeniable on our end. We still around with pan african another european idealogy, pan ethiopia(jewish influence, christian) christian isnt governance kkkk or kingdom so I know its jew cause of church in israel. Arab snuck in at right time, seized, held 1000 years, legacy.
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I can prove our 'values' are 'security' first as 'fear' is our paramount priority culturally and the reason the poker faces are done. Look at the tip of 'metal spear' they only sought knowledge in 'tech' of their era, not 'peaceful' innovations. It wasn't a culture of learning Somali other then what was inherited by ancient egypt thru language and whatever tribe at the time introduced he may be 'gone' and said 'I pass it on' boys keep it up to anyone surviving cause meeshu waa death zone. Maybe other somalis came along and was impressed by its feat, language, oratory, watever fitted their 'cultural' needs at the time. It's been the same ever since. Hence u need your security policy to be no 1 not 'development' that's not our culture or else it will be hard for u develop going against the early beginnings and norrative of what u inherited from this 'SOMALI' who I don't know was maybe even some mid-eastern person or european or watever but we took it and heaps of tribes joined. Ancient egypt fell so terribly unforatunately I think it was around then when this language developed, we may have been in click n clacks prior. Arabs joined it from yemen, locals joined it, oromo, tumaal, watever but we chose it, there must be reason. Langauge isnt a father or ancestor it's knowledge nigga

there is no doubt in my mind 'somali' was a language developed due to egyptian knowledge transfer to begin knowledge building till jews knocked him out. 1 strike. Repeating pattern. Ethiopia, allies with as they 'oppress' the continent cuz their no positive legacy of amhara on other region for them to vouch on his record. Thats why I dont like fuckin jews sxb u can call me anti semite all u want and u poker face. But many ppl joiend Somali it's not one people it's impossible to survive identical kkkk, losses, wins, alliances needed, etc. Its like I joined Australia people language wise but it's not my inheritance that langauge and why i cant study using their english complex words untill i physically apply it in somalia and see it cross reference our language if its REAL.

But we did evolve eventually due to the coastal axis. Abba wont accept anything he thinks miracles come from the sky and his all chosen and sheeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Knowledge transfer happen region to region based on interests in the past and mutual values and agendas those that dont become wall art
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U guys won't get the mentality of our culture some can click with it some can't as their not used to the value system as I am not used to western value system but I see it works at the 'civilian' level but their empires which why we don't know is my suspicion or inherited lots from empires, its not the same mentality obviously but they are the brains behind our world there is no doubt there as we all hang around outside like rats as we dont be able to evolve he will kkkk. Same with China. Same with Russia they may be different in who owns 'axis' and territory in the world but their empires regardless of their ups n downs

Our values is to win, educate, pimp enemies kinda all mixed into one. Example if u beat the Americans which I know they can even if they bring as mny weapons except 'nuclear' and even then the damage wouldnt be hiroshima as we villages and we can still evacuate into interior and break up into small chunks segmented and not in one place or into 'ethiopia' like 'our general did hersi boqor' our local version of alexander. We know when its appropriate to fight we dont need to porve ourselves if your in futuh al habash, legacy is done weeye, we cant keep repeatin a strength, its weakness now, devolving time.

Listen in short I will give u example if u beat americans, their will be some u capture, 'mind grab' that is 'product' in the market(pimp mentality) not ruler or elite. U dont need to prove yourself to him sxb, there millions of this product kkkk. What u need to do after u kick his ass, tell him to make a movie and after 2 years prove how u know his strategy when u do it and then 'raise' legal case that somalia intellectual property is being made money on and not 'distributed equitably. That's our people sxb, just win on all areas of bravery, education to inspire the captured, and then pimp when they make a movie about it and share the 'loot' like the 'gold' in churches of abbysinia were.


Once u capture the product the bulk of soldiers killing them doesnt do our culture enuff justice as their more products of this world wide not just them even us noone is exception to this rule u will be there all day dealing with them where u need to identify key things when u capture to drive more value not 'intel' but where his from, how many of your boys from your region, party affiliation, we start to get pic of where they source most of their 'xoolos' and eliminate not them 'less priority' and deal with 'elites' the democrats of that nation which unfortunately jewish ppl are in there who need 'segmenting' also as their not united so dont fall into jew blame game, anything for victory, netanyahu type camp want war, he will get it, something his torah will mention again or his lord, he keeps losing massively and is trying warrior spirit and education, their brains tho is another story as they may be fuelling them with the 'knowledge' and standing away as majerten do with their reer badiye or leaders, there is nothing bright about netanyahu as u can read his emotional card and appeal to identity and age old game, the one that is his fuel is ashkenaz 'elites' on the academia side that his edge, the rest is him reading more stories of jewish losses not on newspaper like most ppl but thru his own text. Their not brave ppl i know that


Submarine weak-point are where 'they place their best' in each rank obviously and 'protection' maybe that can be guide to find it, common sense stuff weeye. Strategy works out our resources and there and what we can afford to lose and they can't and cripple. Nigga shaka did it, it doesnt matter the tool or size as they not prepared for tactics of yours as their learning the shit thru previous wars which is another 'sign' of what sort of strategy they adopt. They don't know how to destroy societies from bottom up, starting with rural like siyad did kkkk, they hold onto value system of the urbanites no matter where u go. But not the 'brain and tech design' that's their urbanites. The more they expend on us and keep sending more and more, this depleting them taxation funds, just keep draining is the strategy untill all exhausted. 5 colonials came here. America wont be handle it on his own. Military doesnt interest PL anymore and it does other somalis, we know where we are 'dacif' nacas yahow its our inventions to evolve with times.


U gotta love those who are feared by world like vietnam is 'ignored' this is a 'hint' he won and noone wants to talk about, then we send somalis to study vietnam strategy and it's mistakes and start eliminating things that didn't work. We didnt have global world in the past nigga, scoop that knowledge and destroy not for the sake of destroying but for the sake they write another book, movie, etc it's legacies what the f*ck did ur ancestors leave u FUTUH AL HABASH


Arabs fighting urban sxb it's naago shit wallahi we lost respect for them, it's all poker face niggas cuz of civilization effects on them but we must honor them they helped us when they didn't have too. That's gobanimo niyahow even IF i dont like their policies. We cud of been stuck not getting slight edge on the interior which wasnt much like oromo and he responded with 3 sacked govt on us. We will do the same too empires obviously like america or europe or china, we are not empire, just like he isnt sultanate or kingdom, we cant run the shit, it will go into 'chaos' no man lands. Its brilliant strategy if u know where you are in the world order. None of our generals get caught even somali ones in ethiopia. Same with hersi boqor, mudug guy whats his name omar samantar. If they did that wud kill our morale if our leader is gone we back to 'players' kkkkkkkkkkk and players cant lead players kkkkk. They keep targetting sulaymani, albaghdadi, sxb they dont the war style anymore the general lacks the vision not the players and their still dying for the motherfucker, thats why i call them products. I will be honst urban warfare isnt darod strenght u can see how they run when it comes into city, everyone knows a weakness and HG bounced on that n held the capital for decade, he mastered it well that war style. Its new style that sxb and scares ppl and i know darod fear it when u dont know it. cuz we were desert open warfare style not large towns in the past to fight inside and i think it was the same in most places around the world cause u cant find knowledge in history how to win it
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