What do you guys think will happen if PL leaves?
@DR OSMAN Do you want to be independent?
Somalia is like the early United states. States have their own army and are only beginning to agree on a proper constitution.
Puntland is not declaring independence, we just haven't agreed on the constitutional rights of the federal government.
Never, we are in it for the long haul, we just have a horrible fgs currently however a rational regime will eventually come, even SL is in the same situation once a rational regime is in place and as @PhySom said is ready for a US style state system with state rights we will come together just like the early US that was in the same exact predicament
We’re talking about a military pact, you don’t have to think they’re successful lol, look at hitler and stalins pactSL media propaganda must of got to u, lol it's funny how ppl can be convinced with bit of TV selling. SL is identical to Hamar. Violent beginning not peaceful under the tree puntland style state building. These niggas had technicals all over awdal niyahow, yet claim a democracy? that's first mistake they made and when they realized it, they joined idealogical groups that are 'conflict driven'. If u preent the SL a solution model, he can't accept it, since they are in chaos model.
There is huge divisions among them inside Isaaq, that is why u see Fowziyo Haji aden pro somalia fearing a sacad muse LED SL. U see galgala leaders primarily hj/hy leadership to bring down PL with HY civilians in bosaso providing information. They employ isaaq lives matter style tactics of we were genocided 'using emotional appeal' politics meaning it's not 'rational' or else u could prove it scientifically. Emotions doesnt create a state, it leads to your desire not what is rational and testable. They refuse SSC referendum to show if it's the will of the people cause they know it's not which then conflicts with how are you 'democracy'. They killed garowe imam(hj), HY operates in galgala also. Their not doing it to discredit' PL cause CIA knows we are 'hated' by Somalis, their doing it to 'descredit sacad muse regime as terrorist haven'' their openly living in erigavo and burco.
So gimme a break on SL, they never provide a single solution to Somalia, not one that is the will of the people and PROVABLE nor any solution focused politics. They never had sultanates, they were a bunch of tribes under the colony of ENGLAND, there was no treaty with a government, it said ELDERS OF ISAAQ. Why u like them so much niyahow? is it emotionally driven, they are the worst among somalis as they don't produce jack shit in terms of solutions. SL waan jecel ahay iyo Hamar waan neceb ahay means u support one conflict model style politics over another jepordising PL role as mother of somalia.