When will it end?

I had to call out a idiot using that weird looking somali guy as a meme on football twitter. On reddit they bring ooga booga somaliland nonsense into r africa and other spaces. Such a massive main man complex, low iq and inflated pride and other bad stuff all rolled into one.
Quite sad really.
Saw this earlier and this unique brand of leef leef behaviour by some of our people online is vomit inducing.

Somalia was a safe heaven for Kenyan Mau Mau fighters in the 1960s, Eritreans in the 1980s and more recently, Ethiopians, Syrians, Yemenis and Sudanis live freely in Somalia.

Except for the Eritreans, no other group goes out of their way to acknowledge this like these overly grateful miskeens. Always inserting themselves in whatever is in the news.


As much as I'm happy for Syria
and ofcourse we should have no issues if other Somalis are happy with the victory but I understand where your coming from the over the top begging needs to end just do a simple congratulation or if you had a good experience in Syria than that's fine to speak out, but to say "they are welcome" and other corny lines when we are literally the poster boy of hate and poverty globally where the entire world don't want to be like Somalia makes sense for us to stop begging other countries.


You’ve got a massive inferiority complex you need to address.

The vast majority of them do.

They can’t comprehend Islamic solidarity. They can’t acknowledge the favors Yemen, Syria, and Sudan have done for our people feeling civil war.

To them everything is a matter of online engagement and acknowledgement. That’s what they base their views on others and overall moral compass on when it comes to issues like this.

While some Somalis can go overboard with the ‘love’ they show to other communities that have never done anything for them (e.g. Eritrea/Eritreans), I think it’s pretty justified in this case. Somalis who were in Syria have very positive opinions about the country generally speaking.

Alhamdullilah — most Somalis, be it in the west or back home — don’t think the way these keyboard warriors do.

Happy for Syria


Forza Somalia!
View attachment 349247

Begging is so embarrassing. If this was Somalia right now, not a single Syrian would bat an eyelid.
I saw these posts and cringed, I deeped it a long time ago somalis are just the indians of africa, people have said this but wallahi i think theres merit to it, now.

You pathetic filled with cuqdad. Syria was one of the few countries that accepted and treated Somalis well while others viewed us as pariah and criminals. Why Somalis who lived their lives in Syria enjoy and be happy for the Syrians who were good to them(Somali refugee) in their times of need? Why Somalis can't be happy at for these poor folk ?


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