When was the last time you had a crush on someone?

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Queen of the light
Never had a crush define this feeling humans possess ? I have only really cared for myself let alone another male. Such emotions baffle me


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
I am a simple guy. I fall in love with girls that have nice bouncy futo, symmetrical erect breasts and full lips.
I felt really uneasy liking someone that much so I pretended I didn't, and eventually forced myself out of the loop

Oh come on! come off it Vixr! You just didn't feel like you were good enough! hence your uneasiness.

All that pseudo intellectualism has thrown your endocrine/libido system out of whack which lead to the development of that ghastly dreadful masculine physiognomy which you know he would run a country mile from.

Not to forget all those doughnuts next to the keyboard giving you that phat pancaked ass courtesy of sitting on that chair all day typing while morphing into a hideous baby elephant, at least be honest.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
middle school. she was my one and only :wow1:

she curbed my pimp instincts for a minute :wow1:


Oh come on! come off it Vixr! You just didn't feel like you were good enough! hence your uneasiness.

All that pseudo intellectualism has thrown your endocrine/libido system out of whack which lead to the development of that ghastly dreadful masculine physiognomy which you know he would run a country mile from.

Not to forget all those doughnuts next to the keyboard giving you that phat pancaked ass courtesy sitting on that chair all day typing morphing you into a hideous baby elephant, at least be honest.

We lived on the same street. It started in the 6th grade. He spent the summer away with his other parent (divorced) and came back to 7th grade in great shape (he was slightly chubby before:icon lol:). It went on full force through middle school, then high school and it just kept getting better and better, not just in attractiveness but he was that kind of person that everyone and their grandma liked. The resolve to stop started when he started showing interest. I hated that I liked him that much so I ghosted him but he found out anyway, so I made sure of it not getting anywhere..

One might say I have control issues but they sure as hell aren't food related :icon lol:
We lived on the same street. It started in the 6th grade. He spent the summer away with his other parent (divorced) and came back to 7th grade in great shape (he was slightly chubby before:icon lol:). It went on full force through middle school, then high school and it just kept getting better and better, not just in attractiveness but he was that kind of person that everyone and their grandma liked. The resolve to stop started when he started showing interest. I hated that I liked him that much so I ghosted him but he found out anyway
You're the stereotypical geek gir :)
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