When a white person questions your Somalinimo...


The Horn ~~~
I'm pro monarchy because it represents constitutional continuity. As long as they do charity work and bring in money via tourism in the old grade listed buildings and stay politically neutral I'm good.

If they go outside their lane. I'm not for that.

Who thinks of a bunch of inbreds when they're visiting a country? I'm not gonna look at Big Ben and think:"yes I'm here for ancient kween Elizabeth & fam"


[[Puntland Republic ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฑ]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
You gotta to be slow man, it is impossible for a kid to be around his family for 20 freaking years and fail to master it an easy language like Somali.

I feel like this guy is Trolling us๐Ÿคฃ, first of all no Somali parent would speak English to their kids, may be in public or few occasions but not all time as the OP said, you are Khasaaro sxb, you need to Dhaqan celi your self and fund your whole journey from your pocket as well.:susp:


You gotta to be slow man, it is impossible for a kid to be around his family for 20 freaking years and fail to master it an easy language like Somali.

I feel like this guy is Trolling us๐Ÿคฃ, first of all no Somali parent would speak English to their kids, may be in public or few occasions but not all time as the OP said, you are Khasaaro sxb, you need to Dhaqan celi your self and fund your whole journey from your pocket as well.:susp:
Nah some Somali parents mostly talk to their kids in English. If said kids donโ€™t have relatives come over or have any Somali friends then theyโ€™ll have to teach themselves.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
So I'm probably one of those people what you would call westernized Somalis. I was born and raised in the UK. Lived here all of my life, apart from yearly trips to Hargeisa visiting family and friends (hooyo forced us to go with her) I am firmly British in my identity.

I eat my food with a knife and fork all the time. Even when I visited Hargeisa I INSISTED I was supplied cutlery. I am pro Monarchy, I even know about who was King or Queen in the 1700's and even their year of birth and death during their reign. I love learning about parliamentary history and argue with people all the time on Twitter about UK politics (I've lost count on how many times I've been blocked).

I am so British even when I spilled my tea yesterday by slipping on the floor I yelled "oh dear!"

I love being British and enjoy living in this country. And yet.. for some BIZARRE reason I cannot explain why ONE experience bothers me.

A couple of years ago while I was at University studying, I worked part time at a museum in the catering department. One particular evening, while I was setting up the table, my manager (a white woman) was discussing wanting to learn another language, maybe French or Spanish. So during the conversation (multiple people were involved) she asked me if I spoke another language.
I said not really, apart from knowing basic Somali. Mind you I speak English 90% of the time with my parents.

This WHITE WOMAN... tells me... "oh that's a shame, you can't even speak your mother tongue fluently" erm... okay I thought. None of your business.

Then this b!tch goes further by saying, "oh your parents must be SOOOO disappointed that you dont speak the language well"...

Hoyadaa wass !

For some reason that still irks me. When people question you is one thing, when a cadaan person questions your identity is something else. Cajiib.

I STOPPED READING when i read : I eat my food with a knife and fork all the time.


Nafiso Qalanjo

๐–‚๐–Š'๐–—๐–Š ๐–Œ๐–”๐–Ž๐–“๐–Œ ๐–™๐–” ๐–œ๐–†๐–— ๐–‡๐–†๐–‡๐–ž!
There's no way this is real ๐Ÿ˜‚

Who gives a f*ck about 16th century British Kings? Warya, you're not British. You're not an Englishman. It's not your land.

This is embarrassing saaxib. At least move to Canada where you have the benefit of living in a neutral country.