He/she got such a sweet tender Aura to him/her doubt ”he” is a male.female
he watches girly animes like k-onHe/she got such a sweet tender Aura to him/her doubt ”he” is a male.
he watches girly animes like k-on
he watches girly animes like k-on
Even worseTonari no Kaibutsu kun *
Just so good at posting random stuff I doubt whatever you tell us
He watches pretty cureEven worse
waryaa it is the truth he also watches kissxsis
I thought the rule of the internet was everyone is a man till proven otherwise how come's I am being doubted like this it's not like i've posted in the womens den before or something
Is it true what i’m hearing @Medullawa
waryaa it is the truth he also watches kissxsis
he watches this too. Don't know if it is possible for a man to watch this.