What's going to happen to Africa

In the next several decades since african countries are expected to have an increasing population? I think the same old genocides and lawlessness will continue since so many young adults will be shaqo laan from automation
:cosbyhmm:i generally wonder how Nigeria gonna handle this massive population boom in such a small land area
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F*ck Your Feelings
Yeah they need to control it. They live in extreme poverty but popping out 8+, living on a dollar a day.


The African population spike coupled with automation will usher in China as the next true superpower in the world. They will enslave them in their own country and dispatch them when they get old.
Africa has enough resources to feed its growing population and especially with the help of new technology.

Population boom is good as it will create big internal markets.

Most of the worlds population growth will happen in Africa. This means that the most of the young people will be born in Africa, if properly harnessed and the young population getting acces to quality education, we could see big innovation coming from Africa.

I have my hopes up for the continent. You guys should have too.

