What was the scariest dream you ever had?

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I had a dream about judgement day and everyone shat themselves and stopped what they were doing to stare at the sky.Everyone one was panicking, it was total chaos and some niggas were trying to squeeze in some last minute salah. Even the athiest niggas were trying to copy me pray it was cringe worthy.


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some niggas were trying to squeeze in some last minute salah. Even the athiest niggas were trying to copy me pray it was cringe worthy.
Loool, I can't

Alhamdulilah, I never had scary dreams for a long time now, the last time I had one was like when I was 9-10, I think.

cambuulo shake

Ar Wakanda ii geeya
When i was a kid i used to have nightmares of fighting a guy twice my size and losing. Everytime he punched my face i felt like i was falling down a flight of stairs and not hit the ground
Loool, I can't

Alhamdulilah, I never had scary dreams for a long time now, the last time I had one was like when I was 9-10, I think.
Come on it is something they'd do you have to admit they are pussies, little bit of turbulence on planes and they're born again christians lol!!!!

I don't remember it vividly but it was a concoction of the film Caroline and The old lady in KUSCO.The freakishly realist part of it was Caroline and the old lady from KUSCO were on the kitchen table waiting for me in my house.I woke up only to find I was still in the dream as she was still in the kitchen.That night I simultaneously shit the bed, wet the bed and screamed hooyo.My cousin , who was sleeping near me , started shouting.Everyone came in and saw me in my shit soaked undergarments.I don't know how the night could've got worse.
I don't remember it vividly but it was a concoction of the film Caroline and The old lady in KUSCO.The freakishly realist part of it was Caroline and the old lady from KUSCO were on the kitchen table waiting for me in my house.I woke up only to find I was still in the dream as she was still in the kitchen.That night I simultaneously shit the bed, wet the bed and screamed hooyo.My cousin , who was sleeping near me , started shouting.Everyone came in and saw me in my shit soaked undergarments.I don't know how the night could've got worse.
Caroline was the scariest when i was a kid not gonna lie
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