WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER? Why do Xaliimo’s appearance changes dramatically in the space of 4 years. Look at her frm 4 years ago


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
YES! That’s the name of it.

Dude! Watch how these young xaliimos will come down with unknown cancers.
They are disgusting for doing that to themselves, for depositing banned toxics, banned in all the civilized world. Afrika wey hoogtay. No regulation. No care for the citizen by the government. I can literally import cyanide whilst claiming it will give you big dabo.
Waa low IQ they care about capturing smuggled alcohol but dont close the Cosmetic Cancerous shops selling this garbage.

Our nation is so low we dont even have a proper Quality Control Commission like civilized worlds. All items on containers are not inspected especially pharmacticuls.

I went to a pharmacy once in some baadiye town in central Somalia and was shocked the “doctor” was giving out malaria pills and immuno-surpressing pila too heavily pregnant women. I had to call the tol and tell them “Dr. Shiino dhaqtarkiina miyaa? Dhaqtar ku dil waaye!”

I was saved by my western education and Googling that shit. f*ck imagine hooyos using that who cant even read they are focked. :tocry:
I don’t know bro, what happens to xaliimos after just two freaking babies.

👆 that was 4 years ago.

This is now

Does she look the same ?

(God forgive me if she has an illness and is on medication. That’s can’t be because she’s jumping around here).
Ayoo why does she have side burns

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Waa low IQ they care about capturing smuggled alcohol but dont close the Cosmetic Cancerous shops selling this garbage.

Our nation is so low we dont even have a proper Quality Control Commission like civilized worlds. All items on containers are not inspected especially pharmacticuls.

I went to a pharmacy once in some baadiye town in central Somalia and was shocked the “doctor” was giving out malaria pills and immuno-surpressing pila too heavily pregnant women. I had to call the tol and tell them “Dr. Shiino dhaqtarkiina miyaa? Dhaqtar ku dil waaye!”

I was saved by my western education and Googling that shit. f*ck imagine hooyos using that who cant even read they are focked. :tocry:

Giving out Immune suppressant in a land devoid of immune boosters diet la ilaha

50% of the folks back home die from dubious doctors and lack of access to health facilities
Somalis make the weirdest things a beauty standard. They apparently really like hairy women. They're always making songs about women with hairy arms. These sideburns are considered by many to be a beauty standard aswell.
Lightening cream has chemicals that causes some women to grow mustaches and sideburns
Somalis make the weirdest things a beauty standard. They apparently really like hairy women. They're always making songs about women with hairy arms. These sideburns are considered by many to be a beauty standard aswell.
They like Arabs and Arab women have that. And Somali women don't lol
They like Arabs and Arab women have that. And Somali women don't lol


Do Arab men even like that on their women?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Somalis make the weirdest things a beauty standard. They apparently really like hairy women. They're always making songs about women with hairy arms. These sideburns are considered by many to be a beauty standard aswell.
Walahi this is soo true back home you will see them calling ilko cas s beauty standard and same with fanax and strangely girls who got huge calves


East Africa UNUKA LEH

After, not even 6 months apart

It's another weird beauty trend. They put stuff on their face to get that fat, bloated, puffy look.

It aged her like crazy
The eyelids 💀 not the eyelids


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