Samaalic Era
I wanna add if you going to take this path of influence what we also need is a khan academy of the deen, the memorization and deep knowledge of the Quran and hadith at anyone pace. an open platform of discussion of ideas, all you need is a willingness to learn. we also need to certify our sheikhs who speak publicly who met all curriculum and test so no sheik is preaching about blowing peoples heads in the name of god but this certification is exclusive to Somali people if this works then let be the standard among the Muslims community
When it comes to translating into Af Somali, we have to first complete a Somali dictionary and a writing script. Alhamdulillah, the writing script is not a problem but the dictionary is a tiring task.
There 1000s of words and concepts that don't exist in Af Somali.Also there too many loan words, esp from english nowadays. Those words have to be eliminated. New Somali words have to be invented and added to the dictionary.
Furthermore, there no rules in Af Somali and it has no regulation at all. This is a major factor that makes it unappealing. The new writing script along with a new grammar book and then we have set up a strong foundation to build from.
Then we can proceed with the projects you mentioned which are desperately needed and is a excellent suggestion