What should Somalia do about the protests in Somaliland

It is the moment your president accused Cirro of having armed people from Xamar on his side. This is a very big accusation.
As a pro Biixi lander do you believe that Cirro and Waraabe have unionist leanings and ties to Somalia? Cause it seems pro Biixi folks used to throw this accusation a lot even during Farmaajo administration
Waraabe probably doesn’t but I believe cirro does, but for his own gain anyways. They incited violence today, the police and the military came to the scene to maintain LAW and ORDER.
I don’t care about past MS policy. Deni is going to manage it. He’s going to forcefully re-elect himself. He’s not ready to leave politics. A very ambitious man
Election 2020 Reaction GIF by Joe Biden
Well Somaliland treats Somalia's citizen like shit, they don't really like us over there. The people are ok but the government pushes a strong anti Somalia agenda, they want somalia to be chaotic to boost their independence chances
No we don’t hate the people of Somalia. We somalilanders gained independence from the British in 26 June 1960. The first Somali state to gain independence, it was also the first time calaanka Somalia flag was raised, the flag that represents Somaliweyne. 4 days later our brothers and sisters from the south called “Italia Somalia” gained independence from Italy 1st July. Immediately we held talks to unite together, as one, us somalilanders not only wanted to unite Somalis from Italian somalia, but also somali region in Ethiopia, NFD in Kenya and Djibouti. We from the north believed in Somaliweyne and it looked like it was a reality finally.

From 1960 until 1978, us somalilanders back then where possibly the most patriot Somalis in Somalia, we heavily participated in the 1977 war to liberate our brothers and sisters in somali region Ethiopia, the current president Muuse biixi was a Somali airforce pilot who used to bomb those habeshis, he even said he wanted to go all the way to Addis Ababa and do Eid prayer there lol, we wanted Somaliweyne badly and at that time somalino was at its peak in 1977.

A brief period I think it was 6 months, mini Somaliweyne (apart from nfd and Djibouti) actually happened, Siad barre has now basically controlled “western Somalia ” and the dream was about to happen. There was a period where near the border of Djibouti we were about to invade Djibouti but we didn’t do it because Djibouti was still heavily French dominate colony, didn’t want the French to get involved yet.

Unfortunately Ethiopia called their daddy Soviet Union, Cuba, yeman and other nations to fight Somalia, and they successfully did, After the 1977/78 war defeat ,this is when the downfall of Somalia started.

Soldiers came back, demoralised, tired and angry, the economy became so bad, inflation was rising through the roof, Refugees started pouring into somaliland from the border etc all started problems. After the war, Siad barre became evil and a monster, something changed him, became a madman, then rebel groups started to form, SNM etc, to take down Siad barre. This dictator got soo angry, in 1988, he started to bomb us in hargeisa, burco etc, killed half a million civilians. In 1991 Somalia collapsed, the civil war started. Us somalilanders gave up hope about the Somaliweyne dream, we went to our own ways, we moved on, went independent, separate from Somalia in May 18th 1991.

This all goes back to your point, @Som, that you think we somaliland hate Somalis from Somalia. This is not true, we somalilanders had used our blood, sweat and tears when we were part of Somalia, fighting against Ethiopia etc, and contributing to being one of the strongest military in Africa at that time. We don’t hate you, we see you as our fellow Somalis, our brother and sister in Islam, it’s just that it’s best now to stay separate, that doesn’t mean we suddenly abandon each other no, we can discuss trade etc to benefit our two counties and it’s people. I wish Somalia well and I hope Somalia recovers but we will never unite with them again.
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Forza Somalia!
Tbh there’s nothing one can do other than telling them to chill out. FGS is dealing with many troubles in the south, thanks god PL had its problems few months ago already. One at the time please


80% of CBB is from Baran, Bocaame area etc. Somaliland permanently taking them away will be a good thing for me. I don't care too much about Somaliland but that nation being strong and independent will be a big poltical benefit for ,me. Inshallah things will soon calm down in Somaliland and its good people will unite again as they have always done.
never seen a Hamwiye this obsessed with SL groupie fan behavior.
Cuck mentality. Southerners get deported in the thousands every couple months from SL, return the favour Cuckyahow
First of all two wrongs don't make a right.

Second they claim to be a different country while we claim they are part of Somalia. In this hypothetical situation a SL IDP and SWS IDP would be the same.
Nothing, Somalia needs to focus on itself. There was a terrorist attack last week on kismaayo with nine bombings, what somalia has done about it? Have they arrested the those responsible or have they even condemn it? The answer is no. Protesting is normal and it happens everywhere. tomorrow things will get back like nothing happened and election will be held.


No we don’t hate the people of Somalia. We somalilanders gained independence from the British in 26 June 1960. The first Somali state to gain independence, it was also the first time calaanka Somalia flag was raised, the flag that represents Somaliweyne. 4 days later our brothers and sisters from the south called “Italia Somalia” gained independence from Italy 1st July. Immediately we held talks to unite together, as one, us somalilanders not only wanted to unite Somalis from Italian somalia, but also somali region in Ethiopia, NFD in Kenya and Djibouti. We from the north believed in Somaliweyne and it looked like it was a reality finally.

From 1960 until 1978, us somalilanders back then where possibly the most patriot Somalis in Somalia, we heavily participated in the 1977 war to liberate our brothers and sisters in somali region Ethiopia, the current president Muuse biixi was a Somali airforce pilot who used to bomb those habeshis, he even said he wanted to go all the way to Addis Ababa and do Eid prayer there lol, we wanted Somaliweyne badly and at that time somalino was at its peak in 1977.

A brief period I think it was 6 months, mini Somaliweyne (apart from nfd and Djibouti) actually happened, Siad barre has now basically controlled “western Somalia ” and the dream was about to happen. There was a period where near the border of Djibouti we were about to invade Djibouti but we didn’t do it because Djibouti was still heavily French dominate colony, didn’t want the French to get involved yet.

Unfortunately Ethiopia called their daddy Soviet Union, Cuba, yeman and other nations to fight Somalia, and they successfully did, After the 1977/78 war defeat ,this is when the downfall of Somalia started.

Soldiers came back, demoralised, tired and angry, the economy became so bad, inflation was rising through the roof, Refugees started pouring into somaliland from the border etc all started problems. After the war, Siad barre became evil and a monster, something changed him, became a madman, then rebel groups started to form, SNM etc, to take down Siad barre. This dictator got soo angry, in 1988, he started to bomb us in hargeisa, burco etc, killed half a million civilians. In 1991 Somalia collapsed, the civil war started. Us somalilanders gave up hope about the Somaliweyne dream, we went to our own ways, we moved on, went independent, separate from Somalia in May 18th 1991.

This all goes back to your point, @Som, that you think we somaliland hate Somalis from Somalia. This is not true, we somalilanders had used our blood, sweat and tears when we were part of Somalia, fighting against Ethiopia etc, and contributing to being one of the strongest military in Africa at that time. We don’t hate you, we see you as our fellow Somalis, our brother and sister in Islam, it’s just that it’s best now to stay separate, that doesn’t mean we suddenly abandon each other no, we can discuss trade etc to benefit our two counties and it’s people. I wish Somalia well and I hope Somalia recovers but we will never unite with them again.
I appreciate your kind words but many people in Somaliland think otherwise especially your politicians. A British gaal can wave his christian cross flag while Somalis from Somalia risk arrest and persecution in your country if they have Somalia's flag or symbols. If we are two different countries and you don't hate us why are somalis from Somalia being persecuted and kicked out of somaliland for no reason? If we are two botherly nations then you should start treating us as such. If i go to Djibouti nobody bothers me, if i go to Jigjiga nobody bothers me, if I go to Garissa nobody bothers me but If I got Hargeysa i have to keep a low profile, avoid displaying symbols of my country while gaalos are allowed and have more freedom than me. How is this brotherhood.
Somalia need to send an army to bring peace back to the colony known as waqoyi

Also send bags of khaat. It ran out hence why they have gone bat crazy. Give those northern people khaat and they will tolerate anything


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