What should I do


King Of NSFW
You should talk to your mom and reach some type of middle ground ion think it's a good idea to ask the nutters here for advice


Hakuna matata
You should talk to your mom and reach some type of middle ground ion think it's a good idea to ask the nutters here for advice
I have that's when I went crazy & told her your not taking your health serious and as Muslims we have to care for ourselves. The non muslim doctors were also scared for my mother, she isn't seeing how worried we all are.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
I have that's when I went crazy & told her your not taking your health serious and as Muslims we have to care for ourselves. The non muslim doctors were also scared for my mother, she isn't seeing how worried we all are.
that sounds so scary. how old is she, is she risk of dying, please show emotion instead of yelling and beg her to take care of herself for Allah's sake
You mother has to understand the long term affect of her condition and how serious it is.
You could also try an app that sends notifications to remind your mom to take her medications on time with personalized massages. They are apps for this particular purpose. Your situation is frustrating hope it gets better.
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Diabetes is chronic disorder. It causes nephropathy leading to chronic kidney failure which you can only survive on dialysis. All that glucose that's increased is damaging the kidney slowly but surely. Neuropathy is also caused by diabetes, the nerves in the lower limbs get damaged. Many long term diabetic patients get gangrene and need amputations. Diabetes also caused retinopathy which leads to blindness. Let's not forget about it's role in cardiovascular health and causing build up of plaque and narrowing arteries leading heart attacks, strokes ect.

Explain to your mum that long term effects are detrimental to her health. Diabetes needs to be regulated or the stuff I listed above will happen surely. I've seen many patients on dialysis due to chronic kidney damage due to long term diabetes.

Most doctors don't educate patients about the long term effects of uncontrolled diabetes, especially in ethnic minorities. Make sure she gets regular check ups with full blood tests, regular eye tests too.