What makes a man masculine?

The closer you are in emulation of the Prophet ﷺ the more masculine and perfected you are

You can also refer to the traditional Somali masculine virtues for what we considered nin rag ah which are basically identical

I will choose just one virtue that might not come up here: self-reliance. A man must not be dependent on anyone if he can help it. A man is dependable, not a dependent. A man has self control and can control their emotions and behave appropriately.

Some of the behaviour we see now where a lot of grown men lack basic skills is a shortcoming in their masculinity.
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Coping through the 1st world
Modern day men have it easier than their ancestors. Men these days don’t do the task that requires difficulty thanks to technology. Patriarchy is not common anymore. Women have become more reliable on themselves.

Fathers that aren’t presence it also one of the leading figures that downplays the growth of a man and their masculinity.

What makes a man masculine:

Is becoming independent

Accepting mistakes

Being productive

Avoiding things that get you hooked up or indulgences e.g bing eating, using internet all day and watching the T.V

Being a teacher: giving life lessons and your honesty of your past mistakes

Taking it
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Press rewind ⏪
Having the courage to deal with a tough situation and the mental ability to find real solutions. No wallowing in Pity. No ignoring the problem. Not being delusional. So, Grit, Courage, and Shrewdness.

There is a good Christian Protestant prayer quote that perfectly encapsulates this way of thinking (I don't follow this Religion btw. It's just a good line.): God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
Testosterone pills ✅
Occasional khat✅
Basic self defense/boxing✅
Haircuts and skincare routines✅
Work and keep doing productive things✅
Respect women and elderly people✅
Stay focused on your goals and ambitions in life✅


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