What is your time really worth to you?

£15 per hour
That means you should be willing to spend a free hour working on a neutral job (on top of your current work schedule) if you were offered this amount of money to do so. By the same token, this sum is how much you might pay to gain an additional hour of free time. We calculated this figure by finding the median of 4 of your answers:

  • You said that you'd need £20 to take on an hour of additional work per week, which implies you value your time at £20 per hour.
  • You said that you'd wait in line for 30 minutes to receive a £100 gift certificate, which implies that you're trading each hour of waiting time for £200.
  • You said that you'd pay £1 for access to a machine that would let you complete a 4-hour task in 2 minutes, which implies that you'd pay £0.25 for each hour of free time that you free up.
  • You said that you'd pay £10 extra for an express train ticket that would save you an hour of travel, which means that you'd pay £10 in exchange for one additional hour of free time.


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
$48. 6.83 consistency score.

I'm a logistics manager. Not surprised.

