What is the solution for moisturizing thick curly hair?

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Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
I have semi curly wavy hair. I just wake up shower, comb my haie in two secs then brish my teeth then leave like a boss.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Me and baldness are like water and oil, we don't mix thanks to my genes. :ohhhdamn:

No offence, but your hair looks coarse. Coconut oil won't cut it since its a light moistriser. Use a leave in moistriser and a sealant like shea butter. It will get rid of your afro though and give you curls.


No offence, but your hair looks coarse. Coconut oil won't cut it since its a light moistriser. Use a leave in moistriser and a sealant like shea butter. It will get rid of your afro though and give you curls.

That is when I comb my hair if I don't they are usually curly dreadlocks. I need to embrace it like this oday.:manny:

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Yeah we use it, and the Afar's too also.
My grandmother used to force me to put it on if I ever got a headache:deadpeter:.

My grandma insisted I put a copious amount of oil in my hair unless I wanted massive migraines and bad eyesight

My grandma insisted I put a copious amount of oil in my hair unless I wanted massive migraines and bad eyesight

African Science must not be revealed to the world:fittytousand:.

I don't even know to this day if it works... I'm sure my headache used to clear up coincidentally, I just kept quiet not to disappoint:siilaanyolaugh:.


Say alhamdulilah for your head full of hair, most Somali guys have a receding hair line by their 20s. :ileycry:

I do after I wake up every morning. :siilaanyosmile: Baldness is genetics though. If your father and reer abti don't have it, it is unlikely
you will get it. I won the genetic lottery in that department.



Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Don't put on coconut oil, unless you wanna smell like Nigerians and Ghanians
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