what is the single biggest turn-off for you when it comes to women

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- too nappy hair
- buck teeth
- overweight. and fat is not curvy, stop lying
- speaking in slang
- religious
- sleeping around ( i ain't paying for what other dudes had for free)

they're all equally important to me.
- too nappy hair
- buck teeth
- overweight. and fat is not curvy, stop lying
- speaking in slang
- religious
- sleeping around ( i ain't paying for what other dudes had for free)

they're all equally important to me.
I agree with all but why religious you want your women to be used by ten men before you


I have an IQ of 300
I shouldn't have used the word "fag" :mjcry:
Point is, no-one takes the time to stare at people's ears.
Although you said rabbit ears so they must be big enough to draw attention :cosbyhmm:
Well my point is gone, might as well stop talking now :patrice:


Yaaa Yeee
if she has flat futo
I shouldn't have used the word "fag" :mjcry:
Point is, no-one takes the time to stare at people's ears.
Although you said rabbit ears so they must be big enough to draw attention :cosbyhmm:
Well my point is gone, might as well stop talking now :patrice:

I do. I have ear fetish
Personality is key, I better not catch you gossiping or talking shit of other people because that just tells me you are immature, we better talk about great things like rebuilding Somalia and making the world a better place for somalis.

Second thing is that don't approach me and ask for my number especially in group of 5's and start shouting in my face. A man is supposed to approach a women, what kind of beta Simp let's a women approach him?

I'm not shallow but I can't accept a women without a Phat ass... Sorry bruh
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