What is happening in Al Shabaab?

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Al Shabaab is attacking mukhtar rabow and too much stuff is going on?

Last time I heart 30 dead people and dozen Injured?

Does anyone know what caused this?


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Puntlandpost picked up on the story


Muqdisho (PP) ─ Dagaal culus oo u dhexeeya xoogag taabacsan Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Cali [Abu-mansuur] iyo Al-shabaab ayaa dib uga qarxay deegaanka Aba lee gobolka Bakool, halkaasoo Arbacadii ay dhinacyadani ku dagaalameen.

Wararka laga helayo Gobolka Bakool ayaa sheegaya in dagaalkan uu qarxay kaddib markii Al-shabaab ay mar kale weerartay wadaadka baxsadka ka ah ee Abu-Mansuur, iyadoo la sheegayo in dhinacyadu ay hub kala duwan isku adeegsanayaan.

Kooxda Al-shabaab ayaa la sheegay inuu u yimaadeen ciidammo gurmad si ay dagaalka lagula jiro wadaadkan uga qayb-qaataan; iyadoo aan la ogeyn khasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalkaan.

Ciidammo fara badan oo ka tirsan kuwa Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Koonfur-galbeed ayaa shalay gaaray deegaanno ku dhaw halka ay ciidamada iska soo horjeeda ku dagaalamayaan, lamina oga in dagaalkaan ay qayb ka yihiin iyo in kale.

Ugu dambeyn, Dagaalkii midkan ka horreeyay ayaa la sheegay in labadaan dhinac ay isaga dileen ku dhawaad labaatameeyo qof, halka ay tiro intaas ka badan isaga dhaawaceen.

Wararka ku saabsan dagaalkan waxaad kula socon doontaa Puntlandpost.com

Ideological differences made Abu mansuur quit as he has the view that the somali leaders are not kuffar but munafiqeen, therefore attacks against them that can cause collateral damage is not accept by sharia.

Al shabaab believe they are kuffar and as long as the target is the against them it is permitted even if a muslim dies.
Al shabaab is a politic organization. Notice how they tax business in muqdisho and their controlled towns. The morons who blow up theme self are recruited kids.

Isn't it weird when mukhtar left al shabaab all his information and bounty was cleared from US FBI sites.
I've met a family who is related to one of Al Shabaab top leaders (won't expose him)

They live in a huge mansion and they own video games and advanced technology.

The whole thing is a politic business organization rather then an ideology.

Al shabaab also export charcoal to middle eastern countries


Sug dee ninyahow
I've met a family who is related to one of Al Shabaab top leaders (won't expose him)

They live in a huge mansion and they own video games and advanced technology.

The whole thing is a politic business organization rather then an ideology.

Al shabaab also export charcoal to middle eastern countries
I partly disagrea with you president farmaajo is not all out bombing the shit out of them because its an ideological war and also a political one and killing foot soldiers doesn't eradicate the problem that al shabab causes.The government needs to think very smart
Killing all of them leaves a vaccum which is filled by those who oppose the government that will side with the so called 'Al Shabab' causing more problems thats y if u can get the public and the nation as a whole to turn against al shabab they will perish .

You and other answered the question, in the end it all comes down to money and business, shabab is not a single entity, it's composed of many different fractions each backed by different foreign entities.

It's likely Mansuur cut a deal with black water, him being removed from the US list came at the same time Sakiin signed a deal with black water mercenaries, so those shabab fractions fighting him are loyal to Ethiopia whom doesn't like this deal that took place and sees it'self supreme in SWS

This is what all the fighting is really about, the Ethiopian shabab fraction is also introducing Ethiopian Bir currency on traders in that whole region on the behest of Ethiopia as is their puppeteers in Puntland that are making this a reality by introducing the fake notes to collapse the local currency.

Timing is everything my friend and if you follow the money you get to the real motives, Godane was killed because of the American/Ethiopian dispute when their drone base was removed, Godane choose to side with Ethiopia and hence an American drone took him out as a revenge.
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It's all so tiresome
I've met a family who is related to one of Al Shabaab top leaders (won't expose him)

They live in a huge mansion and they own video games and advanced technology.

The whole thing is a politic business organization rather then an ideology.

Al shabaab also export charcoal to middle eastern countries

I think I know who that family is.

Could you tell me exactly where they live so that I could refresh my memory? Thanks



You and other answered the question, in the end it all comes down to money and business, shabab is not a single entity, it's composed of many different fractions each backed by different foreign entities.

It's likely Mansuur cut a deal with black water, him being removed from the US list came at the same time Sakiin signed a deal with black water mercenaries, so those shabab fractions fighting him are loyal to Ethiopia whom doesn't like this deal that took place and sees it'self supreme in SWS

This is what all the fighting is really about, the Ethiopian shabab fraction is also introducing Ethiopian Bir currency on traders in that whole region on the behest of Ethiopia as is their puppeteers in Puntland that are making this a reality by introducing the fake notes to collapse the local currency.

Timing is everything my friend and if you follow the money you get to the real motives, Godane was killed because of the American/Ethiopian dispute when their drone base was removed, Godane choose to side with Ethiopia and hence an American drone took him out as a revenge.

This guy and his love affair with Puntland.


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
A nice retirement package probably...

He's now on his way to Mogadishu to speak with Farmaajo & Kheyre. :ftw9nwa:

hopefully, he's got some devastating information and influences more to leave. After AS is abolished, I hope he 'disappears'.
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