What is going on in Puntland?

Someone fill me in I don't even understand wallahi. Are we doing one-man-one-vote or not after all that work? What this talk about the increasing of politcal parties and what they mean? What if we only have 3 parties? I don't understand
Someone fill me in I don't even understand wallahi. Are we doing one-man-one-vote or not after all that work? What this talk about the increasing of politcal parties and what they mean? What if we only have 3 parties? I don't understand
In a nutshell:
a) Local council elections are scheduled to take place on May 25th.
b) As previously agreed upon, and recommended by InterPeace & NDI, which assist States and nations aspiring to adopt democratic systems with elections, starting with Nigeria, and in some nations in Latin America, and as has been experimented in SL, a three political party system is recommended for PL too, however political hopefuls, and associations rejected that model, recommending instead to abolish restrictions; as a compromise, 5 political parties have been agreed upon instead of removing the limitation altogether.

Deni's Council of Ministers passed the said recommendation earlier in the week, to the dismay of Aaranjaan, their Godfather Faroole, and mouthpiece GO, and it now goes to the PL Parliament to effect it into law.

What does all mean:
a) More political parties to share votes, which makes it difficult for a single party to dominate.
b) Coalitions of two or more parties forming a gov't, as is the practice in Europe.
c) Possible representation, and influence for political leaders, who otherwise would have been sidelined.

d) Lesser chance of the incumbent party to sweep contested districts, even if voter irregularities, and anomalies are attempted.

There are possible negative aspects to it, but I'll let others speak to that.

Here is the election timetable for the Local Council elections.

Political associations' campaign schedule.
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