What i realized over the years

Everytime i get interviewed by white women for a job, they don't recruit or just ghost on you. Overall experience whit them is more complex.

White dudes are more based, everything goes as planned. They're more reasonable. Us men call it the "bro code"

Women assumption is based on certain type of feeling. Men use rationale thinking.


Defender of chubby Xalimos 👑
Everytime i get interviewed by white women for a job, they don't recruit or just ghost on you. Overall experience whit them is more complex.

White dudes are more based, everything goes as planned. They're more reasonable. Us men call it the "bro code"

Women assumption is based on certain type of feeling. Men use rationale thinking.
Maybe the women find you ugly


Defender of chubby Xalimos 👑
Yes im ugly, also i have big g*s. You cant have both :meleshame:
Such gay replay


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Everytime i get interviewed by white women for a job, they don't recruit or just ghost on you. Overall experience whit them is more complex.

White dudes are more based, everything goes as planned. They're more reasonable. Us men call it the "bro code"

Women assumption is based on certain type of feeling. Men use rationale thinking.

my experience is opposite. White men ghost me after interview. White women hire me. I guess the white men felt my vudu crush on white men, their angels are protecting em


모Resident Netrunner모
Everytime i get interviewed by white women for a job, they don't recruit or just ghost on you. Overall experience whit them is more complex.

White dudes are more based, everything goes as planned. They're more reasonable. Us men call it the "bro code"

Women assumption is based on certain type of feeling. Men use rationale thinking.
I love getting interviewed by women, just flirt and if you're decently groomed and well-spoken and have a decent game you got the job.



모Resident Netrunner모
@NidarNidar @Keep it a boqol is this shit true, so if your game consists of 'what are your hobbies?' it's over? Why do they care about something so superficial
You take your L and move on, learn and try again, jokes aside the majority of people interviewing you don't know jack shit about the job at least for the IT roles I went for, if you have confidence and know what you're doing, you get the job, unless she is Polish, she will give the job to her 5th cousin on her mother side.


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